Aromatherapy 101: What Is It and How to Use Essential Oils

Source: AdobeStock

Many people are unclear on what exactly aromatherapy is and the healing powers it offers. Are you one of them? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Buckle up as we give you a quick overview of the benefits of aromatherapy and how to use essential oils.

Looking in the Rearview

Aromatherapy has been around for centuries. It was used for medicinal and religious practices among Chinese, Indian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman people, among others. Essential oils were also used to treat American soldiers for wounds and burns during WWI. However, sometime in the 1980s aromatherapy became more widespread and popular in American society. Aromatherapy is linked with Aristotle’s belief that matter is made up of four elements: fire, earth, air, and water.

True essential oils are extracted from various parts of plants like leaves, flowers, stems, bark, seeds, and roots, and then distilled. These concentrated oils are used in a variety of ways to promote health, provide balance, and harmonize the mind, body, and spirit.

How Aromatherapy Works

Our sense of smell is powerful. It can trigger emotions and memories transporting us to another time or even reminding us of a special someone. As we inhale through our nose, we take in aromas that send messages to our nervous system and the part of our brains that control emotions. Knowing which essential oils to use, how to blend them, and how to use them properly is important so you can obtain the oil’s healing properties to the fullest.

Now that you know the history of aromatherapy and how it works, let’s chat about how to use the oils so you can stimulate the different parts of your body (physically, emotionally, and mentally) to improve your experience.

How to Use Essential Oils

  1. Mix with base oils and lotions. Once extracted, the oils are highly concentrated. You only need a few drops of essential oil to be mixed in with base oils, or an unscented lotion, before massaging into your skin. Applying the concentrated oils directly to the skin could cause skin irritation or reactions.
  2. Breathe in the oils. By adding a few drops in a diffuser or an oil warmer you can spread the scent of the oils around your home or office gently. You may also try dropping a little oil into the melted wax of an unscented candle for a similar outcome.
  3. Soak in a bath. Create a spa experience at home. Add a couple of oil drops to your bath water and be prepared to find yourself in a little oasis. When adding essential oil to your bath water, not only are you able to breathe in the fragrance, your body also absorbs the oil.

When pairing massage with aromatherapy, you can receive the therapeutic effects of the oils as well as the incredible benefits of the massage itself. It’s a magical combination that you will thank yourself for after each session.

Whether you massage your partner at home or schedule your appointment with us today, you absolutely must try it!

To learn more about essential oils, and the benefits of aromatherapy in massage, contact us!

Why Salt Baths Are a “Must” For Boosting Your Health

Many people lack magnesium in their bodies and don’t even know it. Might you be one? This ingredient is important for your health care plan because it helps to detox your body by reducing inflammation, stimulating oxygen and blood flow, and aiding in weight loss, to name a few.

Conversely, among other things, a lack of magnesium in the body is linked with

  • depression,
  • anxiety,
  • sleep problems, and
  • heavier cramping during “that time” of the month.

How might one fix this problem? It’s easier than you might think. The answer, friends, is salt baths. If salt baths are not part of your weekly routine, it’s time to add them in. Lots of us carve out time to go to the gym and we opt for healthier food and beverage options when we are trying to take care of ourselves, but taking a little time to soak in a warm salt bath can do wonders for your bod. Hey, if an expert celeb trainer gives it a nod, it will work for you, too.

Benefits of Epsom Salt Baths

(1) Stress relief. Say it out loud, people. Stress equals dropping levels of magnesium. Epsom salt will help give your levels the boost they need to promote a good mood, better sleep, and overall wellness.

(2) Bloating and constipation ease. Magnesium and sulfate help to draw out the excess fluid in your system. This detox can result in flattening your tummy (score!).

(3) Decrease in migraines. Research shows that people who suffer from migraines have lower magnesium levels.

(4) Radiant skin. Epsom salt can be paired with your favorite cleaning cream to create a wonderful exfoliator for your skin, leaving you with that glow you desire.

(5) Soothes tired feet. After a long day, you may find your feet aching and the desire to rest yourself overwhelming. After soaking your feet for a while, you can massage and shave off the dead and callous skin on the bottom of your feet.

Benefits of Himalayan Salt Baths

Another popular salt bath incorporates Himalayan salt. You guessed it, this mineral comes from the Himalayas and has lots of its own benefits like:

  • boosting immunity,
  • balancing hormones,
  • fighting off infections
  • regulating blood pressure, and
  • aiding in weight loss.

When doing a salt bath at home, enthusiasts say it takes anywhere from 12-40 minutes for your body to completely relax and absorb minerals while the bath pulls out toxins. When creating your DIY salt bath regimen, make sure to keep in mind that you may want to start out gradually because too much too fast could cause you to feel ill.

You’re date with a luxurious salt bath awaits. Here’s an easy recipe that can be altered for your personal needs.

1-2 cups Epsom salt
½ cup Himalayan salt
½ tsp natural vanilla extract
10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil
Mix all the ingredients together in a warm bath and soak! You will thank us.

Now that you are sold on salt baths and are excited and committed to adding this into your regular beauty routine, be sure you don’t fall victim to wasting your efforts on a bath that won’t reap all the benefits. Most people take baths that are too hot. To gain all the benefits of an incredible salt bath, make sure to keep the water at body temperature. We’ll make that easy for you, too, with this rubber duckie sure to make your bath time lots of fun. (Admit it, you can’t help but hear Ernie signing).

You’re in luck: because we believe so much in the importance of bath salts, we’re giving away a handcrafted lavender or frankincense bath salt to all who book* an appointment with us by June 30!

*Appointment must take place by July 31, 2017.



It’s Time to Celebrate

It’s our anniversary and it’s time to celebrate! The doors of Miracles Massage opened six short months ago. Time truly flies when you treat so many fantastic clients. It’s been our pleasure to help an incredible collection of people find relaxation, comfort, and peace as we, together, work through sore muscles, kinks, pains, and frustrations.

We believe that massage is therapeutic and an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, especially when partnered with essential oils. We value taking the time to know each client personally so we are better able to customize each massage session to fit individual needs.

Thank you for your friendship, loyalty, and encouragement during this time!

No matter the culture or tradition, people have the same universal experiences of love, joy, success, sacrifice, pain, overwhelm, and determination. For this reason, we all celebrate the good in our lives in similar ways. Miracles Massage is thrilled to celebrate our six month anniversary.

Did you know it is important to acknowledge and honor the significant moments in our lives because it helps to keep you motivated toward your goals? It’s true so we encourage you to celebrate your milestones, too.

People celebrate for all kinds of reasons, primarily for happy occasions like marriages, the birth of a child, professional or personal victories and milestones. Why? Because it helps to provide us with

(1) a sense of community,
(2) a sense meaning,
(3) fond memories, and
(4) fun and excitement in our lives.

Celebrating helps to bond with family, friends, and coworkers enabling us to connect on a deeper level. It’s a time when people can let their hair down, cut loose, and let go of the demands of everyday life.

Whatever the occasion, come celebrate with us. You deserve it. We will help you to feel your best so schedule your customized massage today!

It is incredible to think of the many wonderful and inspirational people who have come into our lives. We are grateful for each of you. Here’s looking forward to at least the next six months with you!





The #1 Reason Relaxation Needs to be a Priority for Parents

Source: Adobe

The jury is in. Research proves that moms aren’t the only ones having a hard time striking the perfect work-life balance. Modern dads are increasingly skipping Z’s at night, regular exercise, healthy eating habits, and much-needed relaxation time. As a result, both parents are feeling stressed and burned out.

A recent Stress in America survey showed the biggest stress triggers for adults are money, work, the economy, family responsibilities, and health. With the increase of both parents working outside of the home, both mom and dad are likely to feel the negative impact of stress on their bodies like:

  • being distracted rather than mentally present in conversations;
  • irritable or angry;
  • depressed;
  • having a lack of interest and motivation;
  • fatigue;
  • and insomnia.

Furthermore, people who experience chronic stress are at risk for long-term repercussions.

Many parents today fall into the trap of thinking that they can’t afford to take time for themselves or they feel guilty if they do. It is difficult to excel in work and at home when you’re overworked. Moms and dads alike put everyone else first. Rather than allowing stress to take control, it’s time for parents to take back their health.

Strategies to prevent burnout include:

  1. Preventing mental overload by scheduling regular “me time”. This looks different for everyone. Maybe it is booking a massage, getting up early to exercise, settling down with a good book before bed, or taking a few minutes to do a 3 o’clock stretch. Whatever it takes!
  2. Replace anxiety with plausible solutions. Rather than lying awake at night thinking about all the things you want to accomplish, make a to-do list and tackle items one-by-one. (Don’t forget to be realistic about the items on your list and be gentle with yourself if you can’t accomplish them all.)
  3. Establish a regular routine to improve your health. If it is once a day, once a week, or once a month, find time to treat your body well. Figure out what works for you and make your health a priority.

We live in a society that demands us to give 100% of ourselves to everything and everyone. It’s simply not realistic and certainly not healthy. If parents don’t make time for themselves to unwind after a stressful day, they will surely experience burnout.

Don’t rely on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day for a reason to pamper yourself. Moms and Dads work hard every day, not just one day out of a year. Make yourself a priority so you can easily handle life’s many hiccups without feeling overwhelmed.

Contact us today and we’ll find a massage routine that works for you so you can’t get back to being the relaxed parents, spouses, and employees you wish to be!