Why You Should Set Mindful Intentions This New Year

Cue your inner movie player and picture a scene when the ball drops and Auld Lang Syne plays softly in the background. We’re meant to cling to our loved ones, reminiscing about days gone by as we clink a little bubbly. Each shared kiss, although it may not begin with Kay, represents hope of what is to come in the year ahead. Hope of something the preceding year did not grant us.


The hope for the new year tends to bring resolutions that more often than not, don’t make it through January. We make resolutions because we know we want to make a change of some sort and we try to hold ourselves to it. This year, instead of making a resolution you are likely to scrap in a few weeks, we invite you to set mindful intentions.

What does that mean?
To set a mindful intention, you should first think about your desired outcome. What do you hope to achieve? Think it through to the finish. Use your senses as you reflect on it. What does the outcome look like, sound like, taste like, smell like, or feel like? Now develop it a little more. What steps do you need to take to achieve the outcome? Make sure to leave yourself some wiggle room as your desired outcome may take twists and turns you didn’t anticipate.

Say What?
Okay, let’s start with a typical New Year’s Resolution: exercise more. Have you ever noticed how the gym is packed in the first few weeks of January and then it levels off? People get tired of their resolution if it isn’t rooted in something deeper.

Making a Mindful Intention Instead of a Resolution
Another approach would be to think about why you want to exercise more. Do you want to lose weight? Lower your blood pressure? Look incredible in a bathing suit? Without a clear idea of why you make a random resolution, you are unlikely to achieve it.   

Big Picture Equals Big Success
Perhaps your intention begins with wanting to take better care of yourself. What does that look like for you? It may include going to the gym three times a week so you can lower your blood pressure. It may also include a more healthful diet and establishing a better self-care plan.

By looking at the whole picture you can mindfully make decisions and evaluate your intention day-by-day or week-by-week. Say, for instance, you twist your ankle and are unable to go to the gym three times a week as originally planned. You can still work on lowering your blood pressure by focusing on a healthy meal plan, managing your stress level, and finding an exercise program with a lot of floor work until your ankle heals. 

As you set your mindful intentions, remember to stay positive, allow yourself flexibility, and remember to focus on where you hope to end up in December 2018.

If you want to learn more about setting mindful intentions, contact us today!

3 Ideas on How To Be Generous With Yourself

Busy people often put their self care last on their list of to-do items. It is something that can be viewed as a luxury, and only completed if all the other items are crossed off of their list. It comes as no surprise that entrepreneurs, business owners, and parents put in long hours, finding little time to care for themselves. Are you one of these people?

Remember, especially during the bustling holiday season, if you don’t take care of yourself properly, you are inviting illness, stress, and fatigue into your home. We’ve come up with three ideas on how to be generous with yourself to ensure you are operating at full capacity through the new year.

1. Soak in a Himalayan Salt Bath
Salt baths are excellent for helping to detox your body by reducing inflammation, stimulating oxygen and blood flow, and aiding in weight loss. Himalayan salt is known to help balance hormones, boost immunity, and regulate blood pressure.

Short on time? No problem, you don’t need to cram an appointment at the spa into your already packed schedule. You can experience all the benefits of a luxurious bath in the comforts of your own home. After you put the kids in bed, respond to emails, wrap presents, or prep for your morning meeting, draw yourself a bath and add Himalayan salt to it. Make sure to keep the water at body temperature to fully experience the work of the salts.

2. Mix it Up with Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy uses concentrated essential oils in a variety of ways to harmonize the mind, body, and spirit while promoting health and providing balance. By knowing which essential oils to use and how to properly blend them, you can experience their healing properties to the fullest.

When putting the oils in a diffuser, you take in the aromas that send messages to your nervous system and the part of your brain that controls emotions. When mixing the concentrated essential oils with a base oil, you can apply them topically, allowing your skin to absorb them.

3. Experience a Massage
Whether you go to Miracles Massage to experience one of our custom designed massages, or have your partner give you a gentle rub down at home, treat yourself to the benefits of massage.

Need a little reminder on some of those incredible benefits? Massage is known to:

  • relieve pain and stress,
  • aid depression and anxiety,
  • boost immunity,
  • soothe migraines,
  • ease menstrual cramping and PMS, and
  • improve sleep.

It is very common, especially around the holidays, for people to focus on everyone and everything around them except for themselves. We are in a perpetual giving mode, yet we forget to give a little generosity, warmth, and kindness to ourselves. Don’t forget to give yourself the gift of relaxation and tranquility.    

For more ways on how to be generous with yourself or suggestions for aromatherapy that might be right for you, contact us today!

Myth Buster: Why Massage Isn’t a Luxury

Many people believe that massage is a luxury afforded only to those with a disposable income. It’s for people who want to give themselves a day of pampering, or it is a treat rather than a necessity. Spoiler alert: these people are wrong!

Massage is a tool, supported by research, that can aid the body in dealing with an assortment of medical conditions like:

  • muscle pain,
  • anxiety,
  • circulatory issues,
  • insomnia, and
  • emotional distress.

Massage therapy is also often used in conjunction with a medical treatment plan for people recovering from heart surgeries and cancer treatments. It is not simply a luxury, but rather a golden ticket to a comprehensive health regimen.

The magic of massage is known to provide incredible benefits, which is why it is important to debunk the illusion that massage is a luxury. Most people would agree that the key to a healthy lifestyle includes proper nutrition and a regular exercise program. It can also be argued that frequent massage should not be a once in awhile thing, but rather a regular part of your routine, same as a gym membership.

We are constantly peppered with messages on television, radio, and social media about healthy food options and new exercise crazes. Additionally, when we exercise we see and feel the effects of working our bodies. Massage is a little different because it is not talked about as much. Physical touch does a world of good inside our bodies. It releases feel-good endorphins, it helps the blood flow more easily through the body, and it helps with lymphatic drainage. It is an incredible resource.

Additionally, something you may not know is that your doctor can approve massage for insurance coverage if you have a medical need. Yes, it’s true. Some insurance programs recognize the critical value of a massage in a person’s wellness plan and are willing to pick up some of the tab.

Properly caring for yourself and effectively approaching your healthcare through massage should not be viewed as a luxury, but rather a necessity. Whether your medical concerns are great or small, you should not consider caring for yourself as an indulgence.

If you want to learn more about how to design a healthy lifestyle overhaul by incorporating massage, essential oils, and mindfulness into your regular routine, contact us for suggestions.    

4 Essential Oils You Need to Control Holiday Weight Gain

This time of year it is hard to resist all the scrumptious happy hour appetizers, the bottomless cocktails, the carb and gluten-filled cookies, and all that comes with the holiday party extravaganzas that we love. Our normal conscientious approach to healthful eating gets pushed to the wayside as we indulge in all the seasonal treats offered to us.

The faster-than-normal pace we keep during the holiday season paired with the irregular eating habits can cause issues for your digestive tract, not to mention your waistline. As you slide through the holiday smorgasbord you need these four essential oils to help keep you on track and to control unwanted weight gain.    

1. Eucalyptus Oil
If you are an emotional eater, this is the oil for you. Eucalyptus Oil is a mood booster that will help to increase your energy level. For those of you whose holiday party schedule is making you tired and decreasing your desire for a workout, meet Eucalyptus Oil. You’re welcome.

2. Cinnamon Oil
Cinnamon Oil is an antioxidant that helps your body from creating fat. This magical little gem keeps your sugar cravings in check by helping to control the release of blood sugar.

3. Fennel Oil
When you have overindulged and your gut needs a little relief, Fennel Oil is the way to go. It will help with bloating, gas, constipation, and all the fun stuff that goes along with an upset tummy. As an additional perk, it can boost your metabolism.

4. Peppermint Oil
If there is only one oil you try in hopes of controlling your weight, let this be the one. Peppermint Oil will help curb your appetite, improve digestion, reduce cravings, increase the feeling of fullness, and boost your energy level.

There is no easy way to lose weight without causing a bunch of health problems in the long run. However, incorporating essential oils into your daily routine can help your health overhaul. With the addition of essential oils, you can increase your mood, energy level, and metabolism this holiday season. You can also control cravings and improve your digestion.

If you have questions about which essential oils are right for you, contact us today and we will help guide you.