Massage is a tool, supported by research, that can aid the body in dealing with an assortment of medical conditions like:
- muscle pain,
- anxiety,
- circulatory issues,
- insomnia, and
- emotional distress.
Massage therapy is also often used in conjunction with a medical treatment plan for people recovering from heart surgeries and cancer treatments. It is not simply a luxury, but rather a golden ticket to a comprehensive health regimen.
The magic of massage is known to provide incredible benefits, which is why it is important to debunk the illusion that massage is a luxury. Most people would agree that the key to a healthy lifestyle includes proper nutrition and a regular exercise program. It can also be argued that frequent massage should not be a once in awhile thing, but rather a regular part of your routine, same as a gym membership.
We are constantly peppered with messages on television, radio, and social media about healthy food options and new exercise crazes. Additionally, when we exercise we see and feel the effects of working our bodies. Massage is a little different because it is not talked about as much. Physical touch does a world of good inside our bodies. It releases feel-good endorphins, it helps the blood flow more easily through the body, and it helps with lymphatic drainage. It is an incredible resource.
Additionally, something you may not know is that your doctor can approve massage for insurance coverage if you have a medical need. Yes, it’s true. Some insurance programs recognize the critical value of a massage in a person’s wellness plan and are willing to pick up some of the tab.
Properly caring for yourself and effectively approaching your healthcare through massage should not be viewed as a luxury, but rather a necessity. Whether your medical concerns are great or small, you should not consider caring for yourself as an indulgence.
If you want to learn more about how to design a healthy lifestyle overhaul by incorporating massage, essential oils, and mindfulness into your regular routine, contact us for suggestions.