So I pondered over individual words. Believe. Light. Hope. Joy. Love. They’re all powerful words, but none of the words felt quite right for me.
Then I saw a quote by Pema Chodron, which read, “Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.” Inner peace, I thought. That feels ‘right.’
And so I choose the phrase Inner Peace for my 2018 focus. Here’s what inner peace means to me:
- Avoiding the evening news
- Being kind myself and other people
- Choosing love over judgment
- Focusing on peace of mind, serenity, and joy despite stressors
- Speaking my truth
- Surrendering to the present moment
Inner peace is something I can control and I believe my inner world will dramatically impact positively my outer one.
What’s your word for 2018 and how will you actively live it?