4 Types of People Who Benefit From Deep Tissue Massage

Under the umbrella of massage, there are a variety of techniques and styles that are used to help people feel great in their body. Massage is a holistic way to gaining better overall health, and finding relief from mental and physical pain. If you are new to massage, it can be difficult deciding which type like Swedish, cupping, or hot stone may benefit you the most. That’s why an expert therapist can help you determine what is best for you through an initial inventory of your needs, symptoms, and desired outcome.

Deep tissue massage is a special massage that laser focuses on specific issues within your body. It’s ideal for chronic aches and pains, muscle tightness, and injury rehabilitation. Let’s explore how it works and then who would benefit from a deep tissue massage.

The 411 on Deep Tissue Massage
First, let’s chat about the technique. Therapists use a lot of pressure in this massage to penetrate the muscle and tissue fiber deep down in your bod. They use their thumbs, knuckles, elbows, and forearms to release tension in your muscles and tissues. This promotes circulation, which will break up adhesions (aka knots). When circulation is constricted because of injury or strain, fluid becomes dormant or stagnant holding in toxins, causing pain and inflammation. Deep tissue massage will whack those knots, breaking them up and get things moving again allowing you to feel more at ease.

Who Benefits from Deep Tissue Massage?
The pressure of a deep tissue massage is not for everyone. If you are prone to blood clots, are currently in chemotherapy or radiation treatment, or have recently had surgery, talk to your therapist about other types of massage because this one isn’t the course of treatment you need now. Here are four types of people who would benefit from a deep tissue massage.

1. Athletes or Weekend Warriors
If you hit it a little too hard during your last workout or that over 30 softball league, you may have strained your hammies or glutes. This massage will help rehab your injuries and get you back at it.

2. The Sedentary Employee
Our bodies were not meant to sit in front of a computer for eight or more straight hours a day. This causes neck, shoulder, and back pain, among others. A deep tissue massage is perfect for getting your body realigned and releasing strain caused by repetitive action.

3. Fibromyalgia and Osteoarthritis Sufferers
Fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis can take a toll on a person’s overall being. The pain and discomfort associated with these diseases can be crippling. Deep tissue massage is an incredible holistic way to manage, slow progression, and alleviate symptoms of these diseases.

4. Everyday Jane
Whether you were in a car accident and experienced whiplash, have issues with sciatica, threw your back out lifting a laundry basket, or zigged when you should have zagged, deep tissue massage is right for you. This is a massage used for therapy and rehabilitation rather than relaxation. It repairs damaged muscles and tissues no matter how you got them.

To learn more about how a deep tissue massage will benefit you, contact us, today!

One Simple Trick to Unlock Enhanced Massage Benefits

Are you ready to step into a holistic approach to heal and restore your body during and after massage? Good. Let’s get started on how to take action to enhance the incredible benefits your body will experience from your next massage.

In massage therapy, you have to trust both what medical science has proven (anatomy and physiology), as well as your personal intuition. When your body is fully relaxed, it will speak to you by revealing areas of pain or weakness. I’m not talking about that throbbing back pain or your aggravated chronic sports injury, I am talking about the pain and discomfort that lies deep within your tissues. It isn’t until the rest of your world is silenced that it begins to announce its presence and the subtle ways it has been negatively affecting your daily life.

The key ingredient you may be missing in your normal routine is a mindful massage. Employing this technique requires you to combine meditation, controlled breathing, and focused intentions during your massage. At the beginning of your massage, you should talk with your therapist about what your desired outcome is for this experience. Once you have settled on a clear vision, your therapist can begin her work and the rest is up to you.

What do I do?

1. Lose the Drama, Mama
The hardest part of succumbing to a mindful massage is disengaging from the thoughts that enter our minds. There is a misconception that during meditation your mind is supposed to go blank. Unless you fall into a deep sleep, thoughts will enter your mind during your massage. The trick is to not engage in them, allowing emotion to pull you in and distract you from staying in the present moment. Do your best to forget about the outside world containing carpools, college application deadlines, new drivers behind the wheel, or the business meeting when things went sideways.

2. Try and Try Again To Keep Your Focus
Keep focused on what is going on in the present moment. Pay attention to your therapist’s touch and how your sore or aching muscles respond to the knots that are slowing being released. If your therapist triggers a pain point, breathe through it rather than imagining you are somewhere else. Take deep intentional breaths as your body begins the self healing process from the stimulation of blood flow. Take heart, friend, your mind will wander, but gently remind yourself to regain your focus each time you catch yourself drifting.

You may be asking why it is helpful to mindfully meditate during your massage. By focusing your thoughts and intentions on your body during massage, you are working to treat your ‘whole person’ for the long haul, rather than simply troubleshooting your immediate discomfort. You may discover you hold tension in your shoulders, neck, or hips from lengthy computer work. By identifying the source of your tension, you will be more mindful of your posture or other ways you carry yourself during the day.

Knowledge is power, we can all agree, so be empowered by knowing what is causing your discomfort, pain, stress, or tension. For more tips and tricks on how to make the most of a mindful massage, contact us!

One of the Best Kept Secrets Among Women

It lurks behind corners, catching women by surprise and disrupting their view of themselves, their bodies, what is normal, and what isn’t. It’s one of the best-kept secrets among women, but the time has come to shine a light on it, expose it, and attack it at the root. What is it? A condition called hypoactive sexual desire disorder, which is when a woman has a reoccurring or consistent lack of sexual thoughts and desires and is bothered by it.

In most circles of our society, it is socially acceptable, embraced, and even praised when women talk about their sexual experiences and desires. Carrie Bradshaw and her pals paved the way for a new kind of sex talk resurgence among women. However, the conversation flows more freely and frequently when all is going well. Most women are embarrassed to talk about their sexual dysfunction to their friends, their partners, and their health care providers. Women shouldn’t be sheepish about this issue, but rather learn more about it and have the confidence to move forward.

It is natural for a woman’s sex drive to fluctuate over time. There can be a variety of reasons for a decrease in sexual activity. Examples include:

  • the stage of a relationship;
  • life changes like pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause;
  • side effects of a prescribed medication;
  • sleep disorders;
  • illness; and
  • stress.

If you find that you are bothered by the fact that you cannot recall the last time you truly desired a sexual encounter with your partner and welcomed their advances, there are steps you can take to increase your libido.

How to Attack Your Low Libido:

Take a Self Assessment
1. Can you identify why you are in this sexual rut, by yourself? That might be possible if stress is the culprit in your sexual desire reduction. If not, you should seek advice from a trusted licensed medical practitioner.

2. Talk with Your Partner
Communication is king. Together you can discuss setting aside time for sex, ramping up your sexual activities, or looking for ways to be more intentional during intimate moments.

Remember that stress can be a major love killer. Massage is an excellent way to alleviate stress in your life. When another person massages your body, it stimulates blood flow, ridding your body of toxins. Stress causes cortisol to be released. Cortisol decreases testosterone (yes, women have it too) and testosterone helps the libido. You may consider asking your partner to massage your shoulder, neck, or feet. When couples massage each other, they are more prone to feel relaxed and aroused.

If you think you may be experiencing hypoactive sexual desire disorder, don’t be embarrassed by it. Find someone to help you work through it and know that you aren’t alone!

For more ideas on how to attack low libido, or how to initiate a DIY massage, contact us!



Repairing Your Sun-Damaged Skin with Essential Oils

Sun-damaged skin is a total summer bummer. Despite our best efforts, there are times when we either find ourselves without sunscreen, or we have not reapplied it soon enough to avoid sunburn. If you find yourself with sun-damaged skin, here are a few essential oils to help get your skin feeling healthy and rejuvenated again.

The Problem
Overexposure to the sun can result in immediate changes to the skin like: redness, swelling, blisters, or itchiness. It can also take a toll on the body by causing other symptoms like nausea, fatigue, headaches, and fever. Over time, if your skin has not been properly protected from the sun, you can get sun and age spots or additional wrinkles. Why? The sun takes a toll on the collagen and elasticity of your skin causing marks and lines to deepen.  

The Solution
The very first thing you need to do is to hydrate. When your skin has been overexposed to the sun, your body will pull moisture from other places to attempt its self-heal process. Be sure to drink the daily recommended amount of fluids for your body type.  

The 411 on Essential Oils
It’s important to remember that not all essential oils are the same. Look for oils that are organic and state 100% pure essential oil on the bottle. Otherwise, you may end up with synthetic oils that just don’t do the job right.

Lavender Oil
Lavender Oil is a great choice when you are sunburned because of its anti-inflammatory agents. What makes it even better, is its ability to help regenerate cells. When your skin is on fire, Lavender oil will help calm down your skin while promoting healthy regrowth.  

For an extra soothing treat, add drops of Lavender oil to your oatmeal bath and wait for the itchiness to slowly fade away.

Myrrh Oil
Save for Christmas season, Myrrh oil doesn’t get a lot of hype. This unsung hero is a powerhouse, though. It is known for everything from boosting your immune system to preventing premature aging. Because of its anti-inflammatory, astringent, and stimulant properties, it will help get the blood circulating through your body to help you heal faster and keep those wrinkles at bay.

Ylang Ylang Oil
Another wonderful essential oil for sun-damaged skin has to be Ylang Ylang. Ylang Ylang is another anti-inflammatory, which will help with redness and itching. Additionally, because of its antioxidant components, it helps to smooth blotches, lines, and wrinkles, making it a secret weapon against aging. 

Sun damage is not a joke. When you’re young, it is hard to imagine a day when the elasticity of your skin droops, skin sags, and new wrinkles seem to pop up overnight. While, we should all embrace our new looks as we age, and love the skin we’re in, we also need to take care of ourselves and our skin to avoid other dangers.

If you have questions about which essential oils are best for your sun damaged skin, or how to blend a few together to make the right combination for you, contact us!