Caring for your crystals

A sample of powerful crystals.

Because your crystals use the energy of intention and intention, they need to be re-energized and cleaned to maintain their efficacy. Cleaning is necessary because it’s imperative to remove any heavy or stale energy the crystal may have picked up in its environment, or from you. Justs like you wash your face to remove dirt and grime, you need to clean your crystals.

When you receive a new crystal, it’s important that you clean it before using it because you want it to attune to your energy and not those people who handled it before you owned it.

How are crystals cleaned?

Crystals that live on altars ought to be cleaned monthly. If you wear a crystal or meditate with a crystal daily, weekly cleaning is recommended.

  • Leave the crystals out in the moonlight or on your windowsill for the full moon. Lunar energy helps cleanse and charge the stones, and the moon’s light is brightest and energetically strongest during the full moon.
  • Bury them in the dirt for a week. Returning your crystals and stones to the earth allows them to cleanse and recharge with the vibration of the earth.
  • Burn sage and run the stone through the smoke because it is purifying.
  • Wash them in salt water. Salt purifies and absorbs negative energy. That said, not all crystals tolerate getting wet including amber, turquoise, moonstone, calcite, azurite, and selenite. (A good rule of thumb is that many stones ending in “ite” are not water-friendly.)
  • Rinse or bathe your crystals in rain-water, water from a spring, a stream, the beach, a river or sacred source, even in a waterfall (make sure you hold on to them, or they can get swept away). Dry them naturally in gentle sunlight.

How often do crystals need to be cleaned?

If someone touches your crystal—which you want to avoid—it needs to be cleaned immediately before you wear it or use it again. People sometimes touch your stones, as they are pretty or shiny. A crystal becomes personally attuned to you, and nobody else should put their vibration or energy on it. Look at it this way: Would you share a toothbrush?

Miracles Massage can help you select crystals and use them most effectively. Schedule now.

Crystalize your wellness

For thousands of years, people have believed in the mystical powers of crystals. Even if you aren’t of a mystical bent, science backs up the fact that crystals have energy. After all, they’re in computers, TVs, mobile phones, and satellites—that’s just for starters.

Crystals have specific energies and healing properties.

Scientifically, crystals are considered the most orderly structure that exists in nature. They’re structured in a way that they respond to energies around them and emit certain frequencies. They actually store information, which is why their energy crucial in modern technology.

People have been attracted to crystals since the dawn of time. Each crystal type has a different purpose, so it depends what you’re looking to achieve. Some stones are best used to heal the body or to tap intuition during meditation, while other stones are used in technology or as a part of building structures. 

Since you’re not building structures (at least we don’t think so), we’ll focus on wellness.

Five crystals to use for wellness

  1. Turquoise. Turquoise is the master healer. It is believed to be the energetic bridge between heaven and earth. Since ancient times, it’s been highly regarded for its protective and good-luck-charm properties. It’s believed that when turquoise is given as a gift, its healing properties are magnified. Turquoise is a stone of communication that helps you to speak your truth, from the highest source of love.
  2. Rose quartz. Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love that helps to open and heal the energy of the heart. It encourages the forgiveness of others and, most importantly, of yourself. The secret to finding true love is to love yourself. Rose quartz emits vibrations of love, beauty, and compassion. It’s a feel-good stone that nurtures, supports and allows you to feel the most powerful energy in the universe: LOVE.
  3. Carnelian. Ancient civilizations believed that carnelian attracted fortune and helped you attract your deepest desires. It removes blocked or stuck creative energy that may be dominating your mind and leaving you feeling burnt out or uninspired. Its vibrant orange color stimulates you to move forward and achieve your dreams. Carnelian is an action stone that restores motivation, confidence, and joy.
  4. Clear quartz. Quartz is made of silica, the most abundant element on the earth. It also makes up the human body, on a cellular level. When quartz crystal touches your skin, a merging of energy occurs, which is believed to encourage optimal health and healing. Ancient civilizations utilized quartz to balance the body and clear the mind. It’s a powerful crystal that transmutes negativity and amplifies energy to raise your vibration and help you align with light and clarity.
  5. Aventurine. Aventurine helps you to overcome feelings of self-doubt. It opens up the energy of the heart, attracting new opportunities. It increases confidence, self-worth, and optimism, so you can see the infinite abundance and opportunities surrounding you.

Did you know that Miracles Massage has crystals in its therapy room? Next time you’re in for a massage, ask me where they’re located and why I chose each one.

Ready to get stoned?

Dude! I’m not talking about getting high. The stoned I’m referring to is the usage of hot stones in massage therapy. No doubt you’ve enjoyed having me use hot stones during your massage, but have you ever wondered why I use them?

They’re Hot! Hot! Hot!

During a hot stone massage, smooth, flat, heated stones are placed on specific parts of your body. The stones are usually made of basalt, a type of volcanic rock that retains heat. According to the American Massage Therapy Association, hot massage stones are heated in water heated to between 110 and 130 degrees.

Four benefits to a hot stone massage

  1. Helps relieve muscle tension and pain. Heat is often used to ease muscle tension and pain as it increases blood flow to the affected area. Heat reduces muscle spasms, increases flexibility, and range of motion.
  2. Reduces stress and anxiety. It’s the position of the American Massage Therapy Association that “massage therapy can be effective for stress relief.” Research supports their opinion.
  3. May help relieve symptoms of autoimmune diseases. Hot stone massage may relieve painful conditions such as fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis.
  4. Boosts immunity. Massage gives your immune system a boost. According to a 2010 study, a single session of Swedish massage therapy had a positive and acute impact on immunity. Blood samples taken before and after the massage showed a decrease in a hormone that helps regulate blood pressure and water retention.

If you’re experiencing muscle tension and pain, insomnia, or stress, you may benefit from a hot stone massage. If you have a chronic condition that causes pain, talk to your doctor to see if a hot stone massage is a good option for you. Either way, book your next massage today!

Are you affected by SAD?

Seasonal affective disorder, commonly referred to as SAD, is a type of depression, according to the National Institute for Mental Health. It can occur in any season but is most common in the winter.

Symptoms of SAD

  • Low energy levels
  • Craving sleep
  • Overeating, especially carb loading
  • Weight gain
  • Hibernating or withdrawing from social invitations

Chemical impacts of SAD

It’s common for those who are impacted by SAD to have higher levels of serotonin and melatonin, both of which are naturally produced in the body. Also, SAD sufferers often have lower than normal levels of Vitamin D from the lack of exposure to sunlight.

Serotonin is a mood-regulating chemical and melatonin’s main job in the body is to regulate night and day cycles or sleep-wake cycles.

Ways to Cope with SAD

  • Light lamp therapy. A specialized light box gives off bright light that mimics natural outdoor light. Light therapy is thought to affect brain chemicals linked to mood and sleep, easing SAD symptoms.
  • Vitamin D. During the winter months when sunlight is in shorter supply, take a Vitamin D supplement in addition to eating whole foods full which naturally contain vitamin D. Foods like salmon, tuna, cheeses, and eggs are high in this important vitamin.
  • Essential Oils. Diffuse a combination of sweet orange and peppermint or lavender to combat effects from SAD.
  • Massage. Massage therapy can counteract physiological mood factors that often accompany SAD, in part by regulating serotonin levels. Massage increases neurotransmitters associated with lowering anxiety and decreases hormones associated with increasing anxiety.

We can help!

If you or someone you know suffers from winter seasonal affective disorder, Miracles Massage can help alleviate the symptoms with a combination of massage and essential oil support. Schedule now.

Meet Our Experience Enhancement Specialist

If you haven’t visited Miracles Massage lately, you may have missed our newest addition to the family. Meet Kiz, Miracles Massage’s official unofficial mascot or our experience enhancement specialist.

Meet Kiz, our experience enhancement specialist.

Kiz is what’s commonly known as a Teddy Bear dog. What is a teddy bear dog? A mix between the Shih Tzu and Bichon Frise dog breeds, they are also commonly known as Shichon or Zuchon.

How Kiz enhances your experience:

  • He has a friendly disposition and will greet you enthusiastically when you arrive;
  • He’s a lover, offering up affection and cuddles;
  • He’s sweet and mild tempered; and
  • He’s even hypoallergenic.

Schedule now to meet Kiz and have an enhanced massage experience!