Reduce Cellulite with One Unique Ingredient

Many women feel cursed by the little dimpled or bumpy spots that appear on their otherwise smooth skin. It can be a cause of frustration or embarrassment, particularly as we approach swimsuit season. Whether the BMI calculator puts you in the underweight, normal, or overweight category, you may not escape cellulite. Frustrating as it may be, there is a solution!

Understanding Cellulite
Cellulite is more common among women than men, and unfortunately, ladies, it only gets worse as we grow older. Why? Elasticity. Our skin changes as we age.  It is a complete myth that only overweight people have cellulite. The root cause of cellulite actually has to do with connective tissue beneath the skin. Inefficient lymphatic drainage systems or hormonal imbalances that cause fat cells to convert into cellulite can also play a role in those pesky pockets, or dips, in your skin. Take heart, you can confidently pass the buck on this one, in some instances.

Stating the Obvious
Like anything, there is no magic in a bottle that will completely rid your body of cellulite. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which includes healthful eating habits, regular exercise, and frequent self-care routines will help a great deal.

Cupping for the Win!
Massage has countless benefits for the entire body, mind, and spirit. It is known to move fluid throughout the body and help release stagnant toxins. It promotes relaxation and releases all the good feels of hormones like serotonin and dopamine. The movement of fluid will help break up the hardened connective tissue under your skin. Cupping is a form of non-invasive healing that captures tissue deep beneath the skin pulling it upward. It is a more concentrated therapy that will effectively drain toxins within the lymphatic system, preventing fluid retention, stimulating fat separation, and increasing the skin’s elasticity.

Give It to Me in Layman’s Terms
Think about it like this, cupping massage is similar to a deep tissue massage only in reverse. Instead of pushing down on the muscles, the therapist is pulling up. After the therapist warms up your muscles with a gentle massage oil, she will place the cups on your body. The cups will suck up a bit of your skin. Then she will drag the cups along your muscles which will help the detoxification process by pulling stagnant fluid out of your body. It will feel oh so good and relaxing. This movement will circulate your nutrient-rich blood throughout your body, increase elasticity, and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Holla!

The Many Bennies
Aside from decreasing cellulite, cupping massage will also help your your skin look firmer and healthier. It is also known to reduce the scarring from acne and stretch marks. The biggest benefit is that the increase in blood flow and circulation will help to keep you energized so not only will you look healthier, you will feel it, too.     

If you have questions about cupping massage or want to book your appointment today, contact us!

5 Detox Methods to Boost Your Energy This Spring

Spring is a time of rebirth and reawakening. We notice birds building nests for their eggs to hatch, green stems begin to pop out of the ground, trees start to turn and become lusher. We hear the sound of lawn mowers in the distance and color sweeps back into our landscapes. It’s a refreshing time filled with hope. As you prepare to embrace this new season with open arms, be careful not to let lingering traces of winter steal your sunshine.

Try these five detox methods to boost your energy this spring and kick the effects of winter on your body and mind to the curb.

1. Smudging
Smudging is an ancient method, still used today, to get rid of the negative energy in a space. People take herbs, generally, sage, bundle it, then light it. Taking the smudge stick in your hand, you allow the smoke to greet the negative energy in the room and on the objects of the room cleansing and purifying the space. Smudging is also an excellent way to clear a room of mold, allergens, and pet dander that has gathered over time. You can smudge your home, office, car, or even yourself.

2. Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a wonderful way to boost the energy of a room. Simply by adding a few drops of your favorite essential oils to a diffuser, you are able to change the dynamic of your space. Using citrus oils can be an uplifting way to embrace spring. Lime Essential Oil is associated with energy and named for the zest for life feeling. Tangerine Essential Oil is linked with joy and produces the feeling of cheerfulness. Lemon Essential Oil gives a sense of clarity and evokes focus.

3. Flushing Toxins
Our bodies naturally trap toxins. Physical touch, like massage, helps to release feel-good endorphins by promoting easier blood flow, which helps with lymphatic drainage. Know what else helps? Water. Drinking enough water each day will keep your body hydrated and healthy. A person who is dehydrated will feel fatigued and have low energy. By meeting the recommended daily intake of water, your body will experience a variety of health benefits and rid your body of toxins.

4. Exercise
During the winter months, some of us are a bit more sedentary than the other seasons of the year causing our energy to be stagnant. Now that the weather is nice, it is time to get outside and move that body to feel energized. Whether you are running down the city streets, walking around your neighborhood, playing catch with your kids, or preparing your flower beds for planting, your movement will awaken your spirit, body, and mind. Let the positive energy wash over you and soak it in.

5. Mediation
As the weather warms and you find yourself sitting outside among nature, take time to mindfully meditate on the positive things in your life. Focus on your surroundings. Rid your mind of any negative thoughts and clear a path for positive energy to take root.

For more ideas on how to boost your energy this spring, contact us.

Do Lunar Cycles and Trees Influence Us?

Where I live, in the mid-Atlantic, the winter months can sometimes feel particularly long and tedious, specifically the month of February where we don’t often see much snow, but still experience the cold. Instead our days are a bit gray, the trees have yet to bloom, and the grass is more brown than green. Clients confess they grow weary of the weather so, together, we find essential oils for them to try and look for ways to incorporate those oils into their daily life as they wait for the brighter, cheerier days of spring.

Although March was a wild weather month for us this year, spring is finally here! We tend to think of spring as a new beginning. It’s an awakening for both Mother Nature and for us. Our moods shift, our spirit becomes lighter, and we feel a boost of internal energy.

Measuring time by the seasons is something that dates back thousands of years. Ancient cultures recorded the passage of time through artwork and carvings on rocks and cave walls. The Celts, who viewed time as circular not linear, used a lunar tree calendar to measure time and provide insight into not only the truth of nature’s constant change but also how it affects those of us who inhabit the earth.

The study of astrology looks at specific moments in time and emphasizes the impact that it has on relationships. The Celtic’s observations of nature’s life cycle through lunar phases and the tree calendar also work together to teach us about relationships. Learning your tree sign will broaden your self-discovery and your outlook on relationships.

Right now we are in the Adler moon phase (March 18-April 14). This is a good time to make spiritual decisions and tap into your intuition. Be mindful of your surroundings. Take particular note of how the life of plants and trees are changing. On April 15 we will enter into the Willow moon phase (until May 12). This is a time most associated with healing and growth. During this month, allow yourself to awaken along with nature. Focus on the areas of your life that have been dormant and breathe new life into them just as Mother Nature is breathing new life to the trees and plants around us.

To go deeper into your self-awareness, create a diary that records the Celt’s monthly sacred tree, lunar phases, your observations of what is going on in nature around you, and your personal moods and feelings. Over time you will be able to see patterns in your mood and behavior as it relates to lunar positions. Once you are aware of specific patterns, you will be able to mindfully incorporate specific essential oils into your life to enhance the feelings you experience or to combat negative energy, creating a balanced harmony of mind, body, and spirit within yourself.

For help with finding the right essential oils for you during different lunar phases, contact us.

What is The Most Misunderstood Love Language?

Often the most misunderstood love language in Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages is receiving gifts. Make no mistake, friends, those who prefer receiving gifts as a way to experience love should not be confused with people who are materialistic. Quite the opposite, actually. Let’s explore, together, why.

Unlike materialistic people, those who prefer to receive gifts as an expression of love are less interested in the gift itself, than they are the thought behind the gift. It doesn’t matter if the gift is wildly expensive or doesn’t cost a penny, what matters is that it was given to the person with them specifically in mind. They are just as concerned with the WHY of your gift as the actual gift. It shows that you are paying attention to their needs and desires. You could say, “I love you” all day long, but it won’t mean as much as when you give them a physical reminder that they are your number one.  

The gifts you give to your S.O. will be most appreciated if they show that you are listening to your partner. For example, if your special someone tells you they dropped and shattered their favorite coffee mug getting out of the car in the office parking lot, surprise them with new one when they arrive home from work. If your partner has a recurring injury or is in desperate need of relaxation, schedule a massage for them. Amaze them with the benefits of cupping massage! A gift certificate for one of these massages is sure to score you big points!

People who prefer receiving gifts want a tangible reminder that they are on your mind. They feel loved and cherished when you give them a physical symbol of your love and devotion.  

Things to remember for people who prefer receiving gifts as their love language:

1. Gifts do not need to be a financial investment; instead, they are an emotional one.
2. Thoughtful gifts should be tailored to your S.O.’s personality to show how well you know them and want them to be happy.

For more suggestions on how to shower your S.O. with gifts of love, contact us. Don’t forget, our wellness store has lots of goodies they will appreciate too!

3 Mindful Tips for Words of Affirmation Lovers

When do you feel most loved by your significant other? Can you pinpoint specific times, instances, or scenes where love seems to surround you? In this blog series, we are exploring how different people respond to and feel love. Knowing which of the 5 Love Languages your partner prefers ensures that you communicate your feelings in ways that speak loudest and most effectively to your special someone.

Even as small children, we develop our preferences of how we experience love. A child shouting from the playground, “Mommy, watch me!” or “Watch what I can do, Daddy!” is likely going to be the adult who values words of affirmation from their spouse. They feel secure and loved when someone verbally compliments and praises their efforts. They thrive on encouraging words when they are feeling unsteady. It gives them renewed strength when someone they love and admire affirms their abilities.

Here are three tips on how to show your love and adoration for your words of affirmation lover.

Say it Loud, Say it Proud
1. People whose primary love language is words of affirmation treasure the verbalization of feelings for not only them but the world to hear. They find comfort in frequent positive reinforcement.  “I love you”, “I am proud of you”, “you are doing a great job” speaks directly to their heart. Tell them often how much they mean to you and how special they are in all areas of their life.

2. Take Pen to Paper (or Fingers to Screens)
Unexpected love notes in the form of text messages, post-it notes on lunches, or cards in the mail are greatly appreciated. It doesn’t have to be much, but a simple acknowledgment of love and adoration goes a long way. Whether you write them handwritten notes or send an email from work, just remind them of how incredible you think they are as often as you can.

3. Be Mindful in Your Speech
If your partner prefers you to communicate your love for them through words of affirmation, it is important to be mindful of how you speak to them. For example, non-constructive criticism can be confusing, and undue criticism can be damaging to not only your relationship but also to the person. Your S.O. appreciates gentle tones to show respect and compassion. Emotionally harsh words spoken in loud tones can cause them to feel inadequate and unloved. Be thoughtful in how you speak to them.

It is important to mindfully think about your partner. You know them best. Look for their areas of insecurity and find ways to positively reinforce them. Find verbal and written ways to lift them up not just in times of stress or sadness, but always.

For more suggestions on how to mindfully affirm a Words of Affirmation lover, contact us!

How to Show Love to Someone Who Prefers Physical Touch

As we continue to explore Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages, we come to the people who prefer physical touch as their primary way to experience love. This doesn’t mean just sexual contact, physical intimacy goes beyond that expression of love.


People who prefer physical touch as their primary love language feel most loved when their S.O. holds their hand, wraps them in a warm embrace after a long day apart, or guides them through a room with a gently placed hand on the small of their back. Expressions of love and intimacy are felt when partners sit closely on the couch, share a kiss, playfully squeeze, and cuddle.

It seems fairly straightforward, right? So how do you take it a step further to avoid the routine and mundane peck on the cheek? It helps to be mindful of your S.O.’s desire for physical intimacy. As with any display of affection, what matters most is that it comes from the heart.

Giving your partner a massage at home is an incredible way to show how much you love and care about them. The effects of massage are cumulative. While going to a therapist for an occasional massage has its benefits, routine massages have incredible benefits on our bodies, minds, and spirits. For example, physical touch lowers anxiety and increases oxygen saturation. If your partner cannot go to a therapist for a routine massage, give them one at home, as best you can.

Massage can help relieve the tension in your muscles after you’ve been sitting in front of a computer screen all day, shoveling snow, or tossing out junk from a spring cleaning project. Massage as regular maintenance helps muscles to stay limber and aids in avoiding spasms and sprains.

If your S.O. most prefers physical touch, you will score big points by rubbing their shoulders after a tough day at work, giving them a foot massage, or using aromatherapy to massage their stress away.  

Did you know that hands on the body have a calming effect on the nerves? It does. Try adding the stress relief blend below into your partner’s massage for added benefits.

Stress Relief Blend
4 drops Clary Sage Oil
3 drops Sandalwood Oil
3 drops Lavender Oil
5 ounces base oil

Mix all of the ingredients together and apply to skin gently.

For more suggestions on ways to show your love through physical touch, or to give a gift of massage, contact us!

4 Helpful Hints to Winning Over Your Quality Time Lover

It should not come as a surprise that relationships flourish when the needs of both partners are met equally. A problem arises when couples attempt to meet their significant others in the middle but fall short of their mark because well-intentioned efforts go unnoticed. If you and your partner have not taken Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages quiz, you may think you are showing your love for you S.O. in all the rights ways only to find they are left unfulfilled because your attempts, while appreciated, aren’t saying “I love you” in juuust the right way.

For someone who prefers love to be communicated through Quality Time, snagging their favorite gum at the checkout line or taking out the trash isn’t a direct route to their heartstrings. What is, you ask? Giving them your undivided attention is what they need most to feel loved and secure in your relationship. Here are a couple of suggestions to make sure your time and efforts are on the right track.

Four Helpful Hints to Winning Over Your Quality Time Lover

1. Hold their eyes while you are talking.
I’m not talking about the cartoons when goofy hearts bubble up from the characters’ fluttering eyes. Quality Time lovers appreciate when you keep eye contact with them. It shows you are paying attention.

2. Resist the urge to interrupt them when they are speaking.
Often we do not realize that when we interrupt someone mid-sentence the other person may perceive it as us saying, “my thoughts are more important than yours”. Ouch.

3. Ask thoughtful questions.
If your partner is not feeling well, ask about their physical and emotional pain. Maybe they are missing an important meeting or a long-anticipated party because of an illness. As terrible as they physically feel, they may also be a little blue. Give them the opportunity to talk it out.

4. Make your time together count.
Your quality time lover is not looking for you to spend gobs of time together out of obligation or simple proximity, they want your time together to be intentional and meaningful. Schedule regular date nights. If going out to try a new restaurant every week isn’t in the cards, plan to sip wine or whiskey by a cozy fire to talk about your day instead.

The good news about being partnered up with a quality time person is that all they really want is you. They want your focused attention to talk about things that matter to the two of you. They value snuggling under a blanket watching a favorite movie or playing board games, or mapping out a garden, or going on a hike. They want a distraction-free time to share your lives together.

As you are checking in with your partner on their physical, mental, and emotional well being, it is a good idea to take your own self-assessment. Your significant other is meant to be your safe place where you can let your guard down. As the two of you are thoughtfully engaged in conversation, make it a point to intentionally listen to your own body to see what you may need. It is incredibly hard to pour out love for others when your own wellspring is neglected. Remember to care for yourself and nourish your needs or ask your S.O. to help you.

For more ideas on how to win over your quality time lover, contact us!

How to Mindfully Show Your Love to Someone Who Prefers Acts of Service

When we are in love, we want our significant other to know how much they mean to us, right? We want to shower them with our affection and ensure they feel loved by us. Receiving this communication can be tricky if we speak different love languages. If a person does not know their significant others’ love language, they are more likely to show their adoration in ways that they, personally, would prefer, which may not be the same as their loved one. In these cases,  best intentions may result in ambivalence, which causes frustration and resentment.  

For example, a husband who falls into the Acts of Service bucket of The 5 Love Languages is likely going to show his love by trying to make his wife’s life easier, in his mind. He will show he loves her by washing her car, helping with tasks he thinks are difficult for her, or filling up her gas tank on a bitter winter’s day. His goal is to ease her burden when he can. While these are wonderful things, if she is someone who prefers Words of Affirmation, all of his efforts won’t mean as much as him saying, “I’m really proud of you.”

So what are we to do? First, learn which of the 5 Love Languages your partner prefers. Next, learn how to mindfully and effectively show your love in ways they will best receive them.

Here are three suggestions for showing your love to an Acts of Service person.

1. Look for Opportunities of Service
This may require a little extra thought on your end. Be mindful in your displays of affection because your reasoning for doing the service is just as important as the act itself. Think through ways that you can show your love and adoration through easy tasks. If your partner can’t seem to get out of bed early enough to make a hot breakfast before work, hand them a nutritious breakfast burrito on their way out the door. If navigating the parking garage and shuttle at the airport is taxing for them, offer to drive so they don’t have to deal with that stress. If they keep forgetting to schedule “me time” for themselves, set up a massage appointment for them. You can show your partner how much you love them by anticipating their needs and finding simple ways to make things a little easier for them.

2. Lighten Their Load
No one likes chores and we all appreciate a helping hand once in a while, however, Acts of Service people feel most loved when their special someone takes the time to mindfully consider ways to lessen their daily burdens. Think about what chores they dread doing and surprise them by completing one. Is the hall closet in total disarray? Help your partner by organizing it. If they need help running children from one practice field to the next, offer to take a shift. If cleaning the bathroom feels like the bane of their existence, take a turn. You’ll be amazed at how loved Acts of Service people feel when you mindfully consider their feelings. 

3. Be Present When Doing a Daily Routine
When couples do not share a love language, it can sometimes be frustrating thinking up new ways to help them, or show love in a way that does not feel natural to oneself. It is important to be mindful of why you are doing these tasks. Remembering to stay present as you complete a chore, a favor, or an assignment, will help to ensure you are doing so cheerfully. Your significant other does not want you to do something out of obligation, but rather, they want it to be because you made a special effort to intentionally serve them and their needs.       

If you need help mindfully considering ways to help serve your Acts of Service partner, contact us for more suggestions!

How the 5 Love Languages Will Benefit You

Relationships are a big part of our lives. They have helped to mold and shape us into our person, over the years, influencing our preferences. We take little nuggets from the people who come in and out of our lives, storing them in our memories. For some, we cherish the lessons we have learned and mimic their behavior, approach, or language. In contrast, there are other people for whom we intentionally do the opposite of what we have witnessed or experienced of them. What we learn, along the way, helps to determine our preferences in life.

Whether we’re talking about Myers-Briggs, or another personality inventory, knowing someone’s individual preference gives us an insight into how we can best communicate with them. If you have been in the working world for any length of time, management has likely asked you to complete some kind of personality profile in hopes of figuring out how colleagues, managers, and supervisors can best work together to create a cohesive and productive environment. They want to know if you are a planner, work best under pressure, navigate the world as an extrovert or an introvert. Knowing the answers to these questions will make project management easier and more fruitful. How we approach expressions of love is very similar.

Through his sessions as a counselor, Gary Chapman determined that, often, a chief problem in relationships was that partners were inefficiently communicating their love to one another. One did not “feel” the love from the other because they were misreading their partner’s displays of affection. Based on his observations, he created five buckets that the majority of people fall into when it comes to their preference for receiving expressions of love. He calls them The 5 Love Languages. Learning to decode your partner’s love language may be a game changer in your relationship. Chapman says that couples do not always share the same love language preferences and therefore attempts to show affection fall flat.   

For a brief snapshot, The 5 Love Languages can be viewed like this:

1. Acts of Service – The act of doing something, like a favor or chore, is cherished.
2. Quality Time – Undivided attention and time spent one-on-one are most valued.
3. Physical Touch– Feeling a warm embrace, a pat on the back or another safe touch is most desired.
4. Words of Affirmation– Saying “I love you”, “I’m proud of you”, “You’re doing an incredible job” is most appreciated.
5. Receiving Gifts – Not to be confused with materialism, but little tokens of thoughtful gifts signify love and affection.

Are you intrigued? I hope so. I am so excited to share with you that, together, we will be exploring each of the five love languages in my coming blogs. I will offer you tips and suggestions for each category. To get ready, you have homework!

The Challenge: If you are not quite sure which love language you most prefer, take Dr. Chapman’s quiz to gain a better perspective. Invite your significant other, your children, or the other important people in your life to do it, as well, so you can show your love in the way that they most prefer.

For more information on understanding the five love languages and how they relate to loving yourself, contact us, today!

Why Massage is Great for Your Heart

Listen up, folks. It’s time to talk about something very serious. Cardiovascular disease is the leading killer of both men and women in the United States. It is responsible for about 1 of every 3 deaths among Americans. As a nation, we celebrate Heart Month in February, but it is important to pay attention to signs and symptoms of heart disease throughout the year.  Our hearts are the hub of the cardiovascular system. It’s essential to keep this muscle healthy because it keeps you alive! Ladies, it is particularly important for you to pay close attention to your body because your symptoms likely don’t look the same as men’s.

It’s no secret that massage is a holistic approach to natural healing and restoring one’s body. The physical act of laying hands on a body and gently massaging the muscles will release endorphins (the feel goods) and reduce the production of cortisol (stress hormone). As this happens, your body naturally allows for more efficient blood circulation throughout your body. This is good news because the blood pumping through your heart and arteries carries essential nutrients and oxygen to the rest of your body.

Massage is known to have a calming effect on our nervous system. When the blood in your body is flowing efficiently, you are more likely to maintain a low blood pressure reading, meaning the rate in which your heart pumps is slower. Lower blood pressure decreases your risk for heart disease.

We all know the ingredients to a healthy lifestyle include a proper diet, regular exercise, and allowing time for physical and mental rest. Massage is another form of self-care that will help to connect your heart with the rest of your body. Physically, a message will do wonders for your body. But don’t forget the cognitive relief it provides as well. It promotes feelings of relaxation, peace, and well being. Additionally, it can alleviate feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression which are major players in the battle with heart disease.

It is also important to note that the many benefits of massage, like regular exercise and a healthy diet, see the best results when applied in a consistent regimen. One massage every year is not going to help ease your heart health. Many people have shared with me that they feel guilty taking the time to get a massage because it feels like a luxury and it isn’t a necessity. Massage, with all of its wonderful benefits, isn’t a luxury. It’s an act of self-love. Remember, by staying healthy, you are ensuring you are around and operating at the top of your game for all of those who depend on you.

When examining your health plan, if you find therapeutic massage may be a holistic component to your self-care strategy, contact us.