Repairing Your Sun-Damaged Skin with Essential Oils

Sun-damaged skin is a total summer bummer. Despite our best efforts, there are times when we either find ourselves without sunscreen, or we have not reapplied it soon enough to avoid sunburn. If you find yourself with sun-damaged skin, here are a few essential oils to help get your skin feeling healthy and rejuvenated again.

The Problem
Overexposure to the sun can result in immediate changes to the skin like: redness, swelling, blisters, or itchiness. It can also take a toll on the body by causing other symptoms like nausea, fatigue, headaches, and fever. Over time, if your skin has not been properly protected from the sun, you can get sun and age spots or additional wrinkles. Why? The sun takes a toll on the collagen and elasticity of your skin causing marks and lines to deepen.  

The Solution
The very first thing you need to do is to hydrate. When your skin has been overexposed to the sun, your body will pull moisture from other places to attempt its self-heal process. Be sure to drink the daily recommended amount of fluids for your body type.  

The 411 on Essential Oils
It’s important to remember that not all essential oils are the same. Look for oils that are organic and state 100% pure essential oil on the bottle. Otherwise, you may end up with synthetic oils that just don’t do the job right.

Lavender Oil
Lavender Oil is a great choice when you are sunburned because of its anti-inflammatory agents. What makes it even better, is its ability to help regenerate cells. When your skin is on fire, Lavender oil will help calm down your skin while promoting healthy regrowth.  

For an extra soothing treat, add drops of Lavender oil to your oatmeal bath and wait for the itchiness to slowly fade away.

Myrrh Oil
Save for Christmas season, Myrrh oil doesn’t get a lot of hype. This unsung hero is a powerhouse, though. It is known for everything from boosting your immune system to preventing premature aging. Because of its anti-inflammatory, astringent, and stimulant properties, it will help get the blood circulating through your body to help you heal faster and keep those wrinkles at bay.

Ylang Ylang Oil
Another wonderful essential oil for sun-damaged skin has to be Ylang Ylang. Ylang Ylang is another anti-inflammatory, which will help with redness and itching. Additionally, because of its antioxidant components, it helps to smooth blotches, lines, and wrinkles, making it a secret weapon against aging. 

Sun damage is not a joke. When you’re young, it is hard to imagine a day when the elasticity of your skin droops, skin sags, and new wrinkles seem to pop up overnight. While, we should all embrace our new looks as we age, and love the skin we’re in, we also need to take care of ourselves and our skin to avoid other dangers.

If you have questions about which essential oils are best for your sun damaged skin, or how to blend a few together to make the right combination for you, contact us!

The Incredible Benefits of Frankincense

Frankincense is an excellent essential oil to use when you are looking to restore balance in your life. It is associated with promoting feelings of peace, relaxation, and a sense of satisfaction. Who couldn’t use a little more of that every once in a while?

Frankincense is a dynamite stand-alone oil with many incredible benefits, which we’ll discuss. Additionally, because of its earthy aroma and versatility, it blends nicely with other oils to create the perfect combination to match your needs.

All the Right Moves
Frankincense has wonderful healing properties. It has been used medicinally since ancient times. For good reason, this guy has earned its rightful place in top ten lists of essential oils to always keep stocked in your home.  

A few medicinal benefits of Frankincense include:

  • Alleviating cold and flu symptoms,
  • Decreasing muscle and joint pain caused by inflammation,
  • Reducing symptoms caused by stress,
  • Improving digestive problems

When partnered with massage, Frankincense oil can improve circulation. As the blood begins to flow, your body will naturally rid itself of toxins, which can be stagnant and cause inflammation, leading to a host of other problems. Frankincense has anti-anxiety benefits, as well. For example, rubbing it (after it is diluted) on your temples can help to alleviate headaches, and inhaling it is said to reduce one’s blood pressure.

Your Beauty Aid in a Bottle
Have you had that experience when you look in the mirror and wonder how your once smooth, tight face suddenly appears a little looser with a few more wrinkles? Before you get too upset, try adding a little Frankincense oil to your favorite lotion and watch what happens.

Frankincense is a known skin care aid. It will help to:

  • Improve elasticity,
  • Reduce the appearance of acne,
  • Prevent wrinkles,
  • Improve the appearance of scars.  

Because Frankincense oil is an astringent, it will help to clear your skin while giving it a beautiful glow. It will lift and tighten all the right spots to help your skin look younger and healthier.

Whether you are looking to feel more relaxed or uplifted, Frankincense should be one of your go-to essential oils. If you need help blending oils or want to learn more about which oils to use for your need, contact us!

3 Essential Oils to Thwart Seasonal Allergies

It’s a beautiful scene all around us, lawns are turning green, bare trees are starting to fill in, flowers are blooming, it’s what we’ve been waiting for all winter. Brilliant color has finally returned to cheer us as the days grow longer and we enjoy warm evenings and fresh air. The only slight snag is the yellow film of pollen that dusts our outdoor furniture or the sounds of ah-ah-choo followed by the honking of someone blowing his nose.

Unfortunately, seasonal allergies often accompany the sights and sounds of spring. Don’t be discouraged, though, here are three essential oils to help you thwart nasty allergies and get back to basking in the glorious sun-filled spring day that awaits you.

1. Tea Tree Oil aka Melaleuca Oil
Tea Tree Oil is a magnificent essential oil that will boost your immunity while speeding up the healing process. It acts as an expectorant, providing relief for a cough and congestion. It is also antibacterial so it will kill mold and bacteria that live in your home. Tea Tree Oil blends well, so you can pair it with your favorite oils and diffuse it or use it during an at-home massage. It is known for treating skin irritations that develop from seasonal allergies. Using a cotton ball, you can gently rub the Tea Tree Oil on rashes or hives.

NOTE: Tea Tree Oil should NOT be ingested. This oil should only be used topically or when properly diffused.

2. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint Oil is a natural energizer that can be used to boost your immunity and energy level. Because it contains menthol, this essential oil is excellent for treating respiratory issues associated with asthma, congestion, coughing, scratchy throats, and blocked sinuses. It is an expectorant that can be applied to the chest through a cold rub. Additionally, the menthol in Peppermint Oil gives a cooling sensation to the skin relieving pain associated with rashes.

3. Lavender Oil
Lavender Oil is a household favorite because it is incredibly versatile. This powerhouse oil is antibacterial, antiviral, and a natural calming agent. While it is busy helping to boost your immunity and treat respiratory issues, it will also relax you and aid in your sleep disturbances. Allergy sufferers often complain of headaches and pressure. Lavender Oil helps to calm and relax you. It can be applied to your temples with gentle circular rubbing, diffused as you work or sleep, or dropped into a bath allowing you to breathe deeply.

Essential Oils are a natural alternative to medication. They are known to reduce pain and inflammation, boost immune systems, and block allergens that lurk in your home or office. If you would like more ideas on thwarting seasonal allergies or need help using essential oils, contact us!    

3 Sensual Essential Oils for Makin’ Whoopee this Valentine’s Day

Have you noticed that people either love Valentine’s Day or they hate it? There is an awful lot of hype, particularly in new relationships, about flowers, chocolates, dinner reservations, expensive gifts, and grand gestures. It can be a fun and magical day for lovebirds.

Maybe you aren’t into the big, extravagant celebration, but would like to do something a little more memorable than your average Wednesday night. Let’s face it, if you have been in a committed relationship for any length of time, your expectation of something as gloriously romantic as one of Ed Sheeran’s Perfect songs wanes. Notice, the word ‘wanes’. That doesn’t mean you can’t write your own magical night with the right ingredients.

Here are three sensual essential oils for Makin’ Whoopee this Valentine’s Day, along with suggestions on how to use them.

Ylang, Ylang Oil
Ylang, ylang has a light floral aroma that is calming and helps the body to relax. This essential oil is wonderful for helping to relieve feelings of nervousness and anxiety, which proves helpful when one worries about the endless chocolatey treats that have been consumed since Thanksgiving. Ylang, Ylang is known to be an aphrodisiac, as well as being associated with feelings of joy and playfulness. Also helpful for recreational activities.  

Neroli Oil
What is particularly interesting about Neroli Oil is that it helps promote feelings of arousal especially for those who have been experiencing a loss of sexual desire. It’s gentle aroma releases tension and is a mood enhancer.  

Rose Oil
Rose oil is the most feminine of our essential oils. It is said to release feelings of love, compassion, and devotion. When you think of valentine’s day, the image of red roses is sure to pop into your mind, along with Cupid. When he pulled back that arrow to hit his target, his aim was to release the body’s chemicals, boosting the libido. Take a cue from him.

Your Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be another boring Wednesday night. Spice it up by experimenting with the flirtatious influence of aromatherapy. Find an oil or a blend that is pleasing to your partner. Add it to a diffuser or drop it into a warm bath. Make your own spray bottles and spritz your sheets.

To create your own intimate massage session, use essential oils to trigger your limbic system through your sense of smell. Add your favorite essential oil or blend to a base oil and take turns gently massaging each other. peaceful ambiance by lighting candles and creating a playlist you both with enjoy.

For more suggestions on which essential oils to use for a romantic night, contact us.

3 Reasons You Must Try Roman Chamomile

Roman Chamomile is an incredible essential oil with a variety of benefits. It has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries, helping to improve one’s outlook, relieving digestive problems and treating skin conditions. If you haven’t tried it yet, here are three reasons you need to try Roman Chamomile ASAP.

1. Experience the Therapeutic Calming Effect
Roman Chamomile is known for its power to calm not only skin irritations but also the mind and the body. It helps to reduce the feelings of annoyance, discouragement, depression, and hopelessness for starters. Parents also love dropping a little in a diffuser as their babies rest for the night because it gently and safely promotes relaxation.

2. Raise Your Mental Clarity
It’s said that Roman Chamomile was used to help Roman soldiers mentally prepare for battle, giving them courage. Like the ancient Romans, people use this essential oil to propel them forward. It is widely used to help aid in your feelings of purpose while boosting your energy.

3. Overcome the Winter Blues
The winter months can bring with them a bit of gloom. We often can’t open our windows to smell the freshly cut grass or the glorious aroma of spring flowers. Frankly, in the mid-Atlantic, the winter blues can set in and make for a lousy day. If you find yourself feeling down, I encourage you to try Roman Chamomile because it’s uplifting properties are known to help you focus on what is meaningful in your life while replacing feelings of gloom with a sense of safety, happiness, and fulfillment.

To learn more about the uses of Roman Chamomile, contact us today!


4 Essential Oils You Need to Control Holiday Weight Gain

This time of year it is hard to resist all the scrumptious happy hour appetizers, the bottomless cocktails, the carb and gluten-filled cookies, and all that comes with the holiday party extravaganzas that we love. Our normal conscientious approach to healthful eating gets pushed to the wayside as we indulge in all the seasonal treats offered to us.

The faster-than-normal pace we keep during the holiday season paired with the irregular eating habits can cause issues for your digestive tract, not to mention your waistline. As you slide through the holiday smorgasbord you need these four essential oils to help keep you on track and to control unwanted weight gain.    

1. Eucalyptus Oil
If you are an emotional eater, this is the oil for you. Eucalyptus Oil is a mood booster that will help to increase your energy level. For those of you whose holiday party schedule is making you tired and decreasing your desire for a workout, meet Eucalyptus Oil. You’re welcome.

2. Cinnamon Oil
Cinnamon Oil is an antioxidant that helps your body from creating fat. This magical little gem keeps your sugar cravings in check by helping to control the release of blood sugar.

3. Fennel Oil
When you have overindulged and your gut needs a little relief, Fennel Oil is the way to go. It will help with bloating, gas, constipation, and all the fun stuff that goes along with an upset tummy. As an additional perk, it can boost your metabolism.

4. Peppermint Oil
If there is only one oil you try in hopes of controlling your weight, let this be the one. Peppermint Oil will help curb your appetite, improve digestion, reduce cravings, increase the feeling of fullness, and boost your energy level.

There is no easy way to lose weight without causing a bunch of health problems in the long run. However, incorporating essential oils into your daily routine can help your health overhaul. With the addition of essential oils, you can increase your mood, energy level, and metabolism this holiday season. You can also control cravings and improve your digestion.

If you have questions about which essential oils are right for you, contact us today and we will help guide you.

Knockout Illness This Holiday with 5 Powerful Essential Oils

No one wants to be sick over the holidays. The busyness of everyday life and holiday prep can take a toll on our bodies if we are not mindful to take proper care of them. You can get sick in surprising ways. Don’t let the holiday hype affect your immune system.

Ward off illness this holiday with 5 powerful essential oils, and one knockout blend. Trust us, you’ll be thanking yourself in January for taking mindful measures to combat illness now.

1. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil is known for its versatility. It is great for headaches, indigestions, fever, and stomach issues. Add it to your tea, hot cocoa, or in baked goods for extra flavor.

2. Cinnamon Oil
Cinnamon oil is popular for its medicinal uses. It can aid with colds, flu, and digestive problems. It is also rich with iron, calcium, and fiber. You can reap these incredible benefits through aromatherapy or by adding a few drops into your dish while fixing dinner.

3. Cloves Oil
Cloves oil is packed with vitamins A and C, as well as iron, sodium, and potassium. Along with being a natural aphrodisiac, therefore a stress reliever, clove oil is also a wonderful antioxidant and even helps with respiratory related issues like bronchitis, sinusitis, and sore throats.

4. Lemon Oil
Lemon oil is detoxifying. It promotes healing and energy through its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Drop a little lemon oil in your water and enjoy its taste or add it to your diffuser to boost your mental alertness.  

5. Oregano Oil
Oregano oil is great to help you protect yourself against viral and bacterial infections. A lesser known benefit is its help with food poisoning. So if your coworker’s holiday potluck surprise gave you a surprise of your own, Oregano oil can help!

A Blending Must
Blending essential oils can create incredible benefits. This season, as you do your best to fight off infections, an incredible blend to try is Thieves Oil. Take a deep breath, if you could bottle Christmas, this would be it. The blend of cloves, cinnamon, lemon, eucalyptus, and rosemary oil will deliver the knockout punch you search for each cold and flu season.

Do It Yourself Lemon and Thieves Oil Sugar Scrub Recipe Ingredients:
1 small container
½ cup of white sugar
¼ cup of blending oil
15 drops of lemon essential oil
5 drops of Thieves essential oil

Mix to combine.

For more ideas on how to knockout illness with immune boosting essential oils, contact us!

Combat Energy Shifts of the Autumnal Equinox With 6 Essential Oils

Source: Adobe Stock

It is hard to believe that we have quickly moved from the sultry days of summer to the crisp, pumpkin-spice everything days of fall. Halloween costumes and decorations of brown, red, orange, and yellow replace tiki torches, solar lights, and charcoal on the shelves of our favorite stores. The turn of the season is upon us. Are you ready for not only the change in temperature but also the change in the atmosphere’s energy?

The Autumnal Equinox, this year, falls on Friday, September 22. What’s its significance, you ask? An equinox is when the sun shines directly on the equator so the length of the day is roughly equal to that of night. From that day until the winter solstice in December, the days get shorter. While the equinox is a balance of day and night, both in the fall and in the spring, it is a time when energy can negatively impact your personal balance, if you are not mindful to correct it.

As the days grow shorter, one’s body naturally goes into hibernation mode. With the dark approaching as most of us get out of work, we find ourselves wanting the comfort of our warm and cozy beds much earlier than in the spring and summer months. The fight to balance daytime and nighttime activities can result in stress, anxiety, confusion, and lethargy. That is why it is important to be mindful and create a healthy balance for your mind and body so you can kick negative energy to the curb. You can unlock your emotions and elevate your mind while restoring your body to its balanced and relaxed state with these six essential oils.

6 Essential Oils to Keep You in Balance

Bergamot Oil
Bergamot oil is a powerful antidepressant. It helps fight physiological distress symptoms like fatigue, extreme worry, and depression. Its properties are used to replace those negative energies with the feelings of joy, relaxation, and stimulation.

Frankincense Oil
This incredible oil is used to protect and heal the body. It helps one feel connected and achieve mental peace. Additionally, it helps ward off feelings of grief, stress, and anxiety.

Lemon Oil
Lemon Oil, like many other citrus oils, is uplifting and energizing. It is known for changing the energy in the room by providing freshness.

Patchouli Oil
This is an oil that can help relieve feelings of emptiness that people who are emotionally disconnected feel. When used in aromatherapy, Patchouli Oil is a wonderful mood changer. It helps to fight depression, boost energy levels, and even stimulate sexual drive.

Sandalwood Oil
If you are looking for a boost, Sandalwood Oil is great for finding personal balance. It helps with centering and finding mental clarity.

Rose Oil
You can think of rose oil as your own little love potion. Its chief job is to boost the feelings of love, kindness, and compassion. Not only is it an antidepressant, it also helps with sensitive skin issues.

During the time around the Autumnal Equinox, it is important to maintain your personal tranquility. Whether you choose to do that through massage, aromatherapy, mindfulness, or in some other way, be gentle with yourself.

There’s only one you! For more tips, suggestions, or to schedule a healing massage, contact us, today!

9 Essential Oils Your Kitchen Needs Now

Source: AdobeStock

When people hear ‘essential oils’, they mostly think of aromatherapy, but these powerful tools have other uses, too. Skillful manipulation of essential oils for medicinal and cooking dates back thousands of years. Did you know that clary sage helps with hormonal shifts, peppermint oil increases immunity, and lemon can be used as an energizer in your daily life?

Knowing which essential oils are right for you can be overwhelming when you first begin, but don’t let that stop you from delving into these earthy ingredients! Essential oils are particularly important for people who are looking to aid their personal wellness journey in a natural and safe way.

When cooking with essential oils, there are two things to remember: dilute and delay.

Say what? Let’s break it down like this:

Essential oils are a highly concentrated substance and very powerful on their own. Depending on how you use them, they will need to be diluted with water (for diffusing), base oils (for cooking or massage), or into another liquid or cuisine when ingesting. As a guideline, a drop of essential oil replaces a teaspoon of powder. You should not require more than 1-2 drops of oil per recipe.

Something to note is that essential oils will lose their benefits when they are exposed to high heat. Because they are a liquid, they can also evaporate. Therefore, it is best, when cooking with essential oils, to wait until the end of the recipe (when heating) to add the drops.

Say It With Me: Not All EO’s Are Created Equally
Not all essential oils you find in stores are the highest and safest quality. Look on the label to see it it is Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG). Many oils you will see on the shelves are not organic and contain fillers in order to keep them at a certain price point. While it is not necessary to buy the most expensive brand on the shelf, it is important to make sure you get a good oil if you plan to ingest it. You might think pure essential oils are pricey upon initial purchase, but remember, they have a longer shelf life than plants and powders so they are more economical in the long run.

Now that you have the basics down, here’s a list of essential oils you need in your pantry pronto.

Anise *Note: anise has a strong licorice flavor and is not to be used daily.
Benefit: Aids digestion.
Try it in: cookies, marinades, soups, and ethnic recipes.

Benefit: Strong antioxidant that has digestive benefits and aids in nausea relief.
Try it in: desserts.

Benefit: Helps boost energy levels and is said to aid in weight loss.
Try it in: beverages, salad dressings, and dips.

Benefit: Antioxidant with digestive benefits.
Try it in: salad dressings, salsa, dips, and seafood cuisines.

Benefit: Antioxidant with digestive benefits.
Try it in: sauces and vegetables.

Benefit: Anti-inflammatory digestive aid that helps protect the stomach and nausea.
Try it in: marinades, sauces, drinks, and desserts.

Benefit: Digestive aid and antiviral.
Try it in: desserts, beverages, and breads.

Benefit: Aides respiratory and digestive problems.
Try it in: desserts and beverages.

Benefit: Immune stimulant that helps fight illnesses
Try it in: meats, soups, and stews.

To learn more about essential oils, and how to incorporate them into your daily life, contact us today!

5 Essential Oils to Combat The Solar Eclipse’s Negative Energy

Unless you’re living under a rock, you have heard about the upcoming solar eclipse which will take place on Monday, August 21. There’s lots of hype about how to properly view the eclipse (*hint: you need special glasses), and how to determine how much of the eclipse you will be able to see based on your location. There is more the story, however, that you may not have heard, yet.

What will happen during a total eclipse (and we’re not talking of the heart)? For starters, the sky will go dark for a few minutes during normal daytime hours,

Source: Adobe Stock

causing stars to appear, and the temperature will drop. It will be pretty amazing, even for those of us who won’t experience the total eclipse. 

What the newscasters and journalists aren’t chatting about, though,  is how the eclipse’s energy can negatively affect your personal energy. Who wants that? No one.

Wondering what you can do to combat the solar eclipse’s negative energy on your good fortune energies? We’ve compiled a list of five essential oils to keep you in balance.

1. Ylang Ylang
This powerhouse oil is extracted from flowers of the ylang-ylang tree. It has many health benefits, but is known for inducing feelings of hope and joy while also fighting depression. Because it is an antidepressant, it helps drive out anxiety, stress, and the feeling of sadness.

2. Rose
Rose oil is known for its emotional and psychological benefits. It will help ward off negative energy by fighting depression and anxiety. The aroma will improve your mood, keeping you energized and feeling happy. It’s also known to help boost your libido. (Just sayin’!)

3. Frankincense
This incredible oil is wonderful for relaxation. It gives you a feeling of peace and satisfaction while also lowering levels of stress, anger, and frustration. Frankincense fights feelings of anxiety with its therapeutic aroma and medicinal power.

4. Grapefruit
Grapefruit oil is refreshing for the body and mind. While it is rich in Vitamin C, which is used as an antioxidant, it is also a great stimulant. It replaces negative feelings of stress and anxiety with hope, and energy. It’s effects on hormones stimulates brain power. Sweet!

5. Vetiver
Vetiver is a well known sedative. It is used to help control emotional outbursts, nervousness, and restlessness. It also rejuvenates the body and calms the mind.

Source: AdobeStock

There are lots of ways to incorporate the power of essential oils into your life. You can use them while cooking, enjoying a luxurious bath, or while you watch tv. Whether you choose to diffuse the oils, add them to your favorite recipes, or drop them in your bath water, you can find an easy way to reap the many benefits they have.

Try This At Home

Looking for a little concoction to lift the negative energy from a room? Try diffusing our power combo: two drops each of Bergamot, Neroli, and Sweet Orange. You will love breathing in this lovely combination as it chases out negative energy.

Want more suggestions? Contact us today! We would love to help guide you as you determine which essential oils are best for you.