4 Ways to CBD Oil Could Help You

CBD oil is derived from the Hemp plant and is legal in all fifty states.

Cannabidiol oil, or CBD oil, is the It-Medicine of the moment.

A few years ago, hardly anyone knew about CBD oil. Today, there’s a huge demand for it. Millions of people are taking CBD oil as a health supplement.

Here are four uses for CBD oil that may change your life:

Relieve Stress

Stress and anxiety are two sides of the same coin. Both result in excessive tension, with stress being related to a specific reason and anxiety, a chronic condition without a direct cause. They both increase cortisol, a hormone naturally produced by your body, which can wreak havoc on your body. Using CBD oil to reduce stress can result in fewer health issues caused by high cortisol levels.

Improve Sleep

Getting adequate sleep is a crucial element to a healthy life, but many people experience sleep disruptions, with up to 35% of Americans experiencing mild insomnia. Users of CDB oil report deeper, more peaceful, and improved sleep.

Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation of the joints, such as knees, can lead to chronic pain. CBD oil use has been linked to a reduction in both inflammation and the pain it causes. Using all-natural CBD is a safer, non-addictive way to manage pain (e.g., not needing opioids can only be a good thing!).


While most of the major benefits of CBD are medical, it’s also used in a variety of beauty products, ranging from bath salts to lip balm. CBD improves the condition of your skin, and its antioxidant properties may combat the effects of aging.

Get Me Some of That

Miracles Massage includes CBD in one version of its body butter, and some of our clients swear by regular use as an all-natural way to rejuvenate their skin. Ask us about CBD-infused products at your next appointment or contact us today for more information.

Are Your Cleaning Supplies Toxic?

I don’t know about you, but I’ve heard lately of so many people succumbing to the flu or this nasty stomach bug that’s been floating around. I’ve always been diligent about handwashing and keeping my therapy space clear of germs. As I scrubbed down the bathroom the other day, I got to thinking about how many of us use chemically-laden cleaning supplies—and the impact it has on our health.

When cleaning, our bodies absorb chemicals in two ways: by us breathing them in and by absorbing them through our skin.

Two Kinds of Chemicals to Avoid

  • Antimicrobial chemicals: Inherently toxic, antimicrobial chemicals are designed to kill living microbes.  While they effectively kill germs on surfaces, there is no evidence that killing germs (particularly in a household setting) is actually effective at keeping your family any healthier—and overusing can lead to a weaker immune system.
  • Products that include “Danger” on their labels: Products like oven and drain cleaners often contain label language stating “Danger” or “Warning” due to their potential for causing serious skin burns and permanent eye damage. Inhalation of fumes from these products can also lead to respiratory irritation and breathing problems.

Possible Effects of Regular Usage

  • Eye irritation
  • Skin rash or irritation
  • Asthma or other lung-related illness
  • Poisoning, especially of children

What to Use Instead

  • Look for fragrance-free cleaning products—or products which disclose the ingredients in their fragrances.
  • Use antibacterial cleaners sparingly. Use them only for particular situations with a high chance of spreading infections.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly throughout the day and before eating to prevent the spread of disease instead of disinfecting surfaces. Avoid touching your eyes and nose!
  • Read the labels of the supplies you use. Pay attention to products that use the word “Danger” or “Caution.”  Read instructions carefully on these products. Use protective eyewear and gloves as recommended. Wash your hands thoroughly after use.

Consider All-Natural Alternatives

You can create your own green cleaning supplies using these recipes or use those available through Young Living or doTERRA.

For example, Young Living’s Thieves® essential oil and doTERRA’s On Guard products consist of all-natural ingredients and no harsh chemicals! You can replace dishwashing detergent, hand soap, cleaning supplies, and more!

Thieves® essential oil blend was inspired by the legend of four 15th-century French thieves who formulated and wore a special aromatic combination of clove, rosemary, and other botanicals.


If you have questions about how chemicals might be impacting your life, let’s chat.

Ground Out Winter Blahs

It’s that time of year when anything goes. One moment, snow falls. Another, we’re outside in short-sleeved shirts. And the mud! Welcome to February on the east coast. As I write this, rain pelts against my window and thoughts of preparing an earthy stew tickles my fancy. Another rainy day—and I’m feeling ungrounded.

This transition time between winter and spring often results in the winter blahs. Rather than fighting your desire to toss on comfy sweat pants and curl up in front of Netflix to binge-watch several seasons of “Jane the Virgin,” consider these indoor grounding alternatives:

Diffuse a Grounding Essential Oil

Young Living, a brand of essential oil I use, has a specific blend called Grounding™. It consists of ylang-ylang, pine, spruce, juniper, white fir, cedarwood, and angelica. Not surprising, most of the ingredients are sourced from trees, whose roots dig deep into the earth. By adding just a couple drops to water in your diffuser, you create a grounding environment. (If you’re interested in purchasing this, or other, essential oil, please contact me.)

When you’re in a family situation or experience lack of focus, where you feel the need to ground, you can use put a couple of drops in your palms, rub them together, and create a tent with your hands over your nose. Breathe in its essence and feel yourself chill out!

Tree of Life by Gustav Klimpt (1862-1918)

Visualize Being Grounded

The term grounding can mean removing an excess electrical charge as well as removing an excess emotional charge. Stand with your feet aligned with your hips, feet parallel to each other, and hands at your side. Close your eyes and visualize tree roots extending from the balls of your feet deep, deep into the earth. They anchor you to the ground. Imagine energy from the earth rising up through your left side, going to the top of your head, and going back down your right side until it’s returned to the earth. Breathe deeply as you do this visualization.

Eat Root Vegetables

Root vegetables grow underground and absorb nutrients from the soil (hence, the importance of a pesticide-free world). This group includes sweet potatoes, beets, parsnips, turnips, carrots, onions, and garlic. My favorite way to enjoy root vegetables is to pan roast them with a splash of extra-virgin olive oil and sea salt. Another is to make a ratatouille—yum!

Use Grounding Crystals

Crystals come from the earth and help shield us from electromagnetic energies. These crystals some of those known to support grounding: black obsidian, black tourmaline, bloodstone, carnelian, citrine, hematite, jade, and red jasper. Each has its own way of grounding, some through increased focus, others through detoxification, and creating calm, peaceful feelings.

Request Grounding during Massage

When your massage therapist asks how you’re feeling before the start of your massage session, tell you that you’re feeling ungrounded. She’ll explore ways to support you, and offer specific oils during the session to help you become grounded. Schedule your appointment today.

Caring for your crystals

A sample of powerful crystals.

Because your crystals use the energy of intention and intention, they need to be re-energized and cleaned to maintain their efficacy. Cleaning is necessary because it’s imperative to remove any heavy or stale energy the crystal may have picked up in its environment, or from you. Justs like you wash your face to remove dirt and grime, you need to clean your crystals.

When you receive a new crystal, it’s important that you clean it before using it because you want it to attune to your energy and not those people who handled it before you owned it.

How are crystals cleaned?

Crystals that live on altars ought to be cleaned monthly. If you wear a crystal or meditate with a crystal daily, weekly cleaning is recommended.

  • Leave the crystals out in the moonlight or on your windowsill for the full moon. Lunar energy helps cleanse and charge the stones, and the moon’s light is brightest and energetically strongest during the full moon.
  • Bury them in the dirt for a week. Returning your crystals and stones to the earth allows them to cleanse and recharge with the vibration of the earth.
  • Burn sage and run the stone through the smoke because it is purifying.
  • Wash them in salt water. Salt purifies and absorbs negative energy. That said, not all crystals tolerate getting wet including amber, turquoise, moonstone, calcite, azurite, and selenite. (A good rule of thumb is that many stones ending in “ite” are not water-friendly.)
  • Rinse or bathe your crystals in rain-water, water from a spring, a stream, the beach, a river or sacred source, even in a waterfall (make sure you hold on to them, or they can get swept away). Dry them naturally in gentle sunlight.

How often do crystals need to be cleaned?

If someone touches your crystal—which you want to avoid—it needs to be cleaned immediately before you wear it or use it again. People sometimes touch your stones, as they are pretty or shiny. A crystal becomes personally attuned to you, and nobody else should put their vibration or energy on it. Look at it this way: Would you share a toothbrush?

Miracles Massage can help you select crystals and use them most effectively. Schedule now.

Crystalize your wellness

For thousands of years, people have believed in the mystical powers of crystals. Even if you aren’t of a mystical bent, science backs up the fact that crystals have energy. After all, they’re in computers, TVs, mobile phones, and satellites—that’s just for starters.

Crystals have specific energies and healing properties.

Scientifically, crystals are considered the most orderly structure that exists in nature. They’re structured in a way that they respond to energies around them and emit certain frequencies. They actually store information, which is why their energy crucial in modern technology.

People have been attracted to crystals since the dawn of time. Each crystal type has a different purpose, so it depends what you’re looking to achieve. Some stones are best used to heal the body or to tap intuition during meditation, while other stones are used in technology or as a part of building structures. 

Since you’re not building structures (at least we don’t think so), we’ll focus on wellness.

Five crystals to use for wellness

  1. Turquoise. Turquoise is the master healer. It is believed to be the energetic bridge between heaven and earth. Since ancient times, it’s been highly regarded for its protective and good-luck-charm properties. It’s believed that when turquoise is given as a gift, its healing properties are magnified. Turquoise is a stone of communication that helps you to speak your truth, from the highest source of love.
  2. Rose quartz. Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love that helps to open and heal the energy of the heart. It encourages the forgiveness of others and, most importantly, of yourself. The secret to finding true love is to love yourself. Rose quartz emits vibrations of love, beauty, and compassion. It’s a feel-good stone that nurtures, supports and allows you to feel the most powerful energy in the universe: LOVE.
  3. Carnelian. Ancient civilizations believed that carnelian attracted fortune and helped you attract your deepest desires. It removes blocked or stuck creative energy that may be dominating your mind and leaving you feeling burnt out or uninspired. Its vibrant orange color stimulates you to move forward and achieve your dreams. Carnelian is an action stone that restores motivation, confidence, and joy.
  4. Clear quartz. Quartz is made of silica, the most abundant element on the earth. It also makes up the human body, on a cellular level. When quartz crystal touches your skin, a merging of energy occurs, which is believed to encourage optimal health and healing. Ancient civilizations utilized quartz to balance the body and clear the mind. It’s a powerful crystal that transmutes negativity and amplifies energy to raise your vibration and help you align with light and clarity.
  5. Aventurine. Aventurine helps you to overcome feelings of self-doubt. It opens up the energy of the heart, attracting new opportunities. It increases confidence, self-worth, and optimism, so you can see the infinite abundance and opportunities surrounding you.

Did you know that Miracles Massage has crystals in its therapy room? Next time you’re in for a massage, ask me where they’re located and why I chose each one.

Are you affected by SAD?

Seasonal affective disorder, commonly referred to as SAD, is a type of depression, according to the National Institute for Mental Health. It can occur in any season but is most common in the winter.

Symptoms of SAD

  • Low energy levels
  • Craving sleep
  • Overeating, especially carb loading
  • Weight gain
  • Hibernating or withdrawing from social invitations

Chemical impacts of SAD

It’s common for those who are impacted by SAD to have higher levels of serotonin and melatonin, both of which are naturally produced in the body. Also, SAD sufferers often have lower than normal levels of Vitamin D from the lack of exposure to sunlight.

Serotonin is a mood-regulating chemical and melatonin’s main job in the body is to regulate night and day cycles or sleep-wake cycles.

Ways to Cope with SAD

  • Light lamp therapy. A specialized light box gives off bright light that mimics natural outdoor light. Light therapy is thought to affect brain chemicals linked to mood and sleep, easing SAD symptoms.
  • Vitamin D. During the winter months when sunlight is in shorter supply, take a Vitamin D supplement in addition to eating whole foods full which naturally contain vitamin D. Foods like salmon, tuna, cheeses, and eggs are high in this important vitamin.
  • Essential Oils. Diffuse a combination of sweet orange and peppermint or lavender to combat effects from SAD.
  • Massage. Massage therapy can counteract physiological mood factors that often accompany SAD, in part by regulating serotonin levels. Massage increases neurotransmitters associated with lowering anxiety and decreases hormones associated with increasing anxiety.

We can help!

If you or someone you know suffers from winter seasonal affective disorder, Miracles Massage can help alleviate the symptoms with a combination of massage and essential oil support. Schedule now.

Accept the invitation of the winter solstice

Light the night with candles.

As I publish this blog post, it’s the winter solstice, the shortest day and longest night in the northern hemisphere. This year’s solstice gives us a unique experience as it coincides with December’s full moon and a Geminid meteor shower. If you’re a follower of moon energy like I am, you know that this is a powerful combination!

The darkness of the solstice has long been an invitation to go inside, reflect, and practice self-care. In case you’re at a loss for how to celebrate, I offer three suggestions.

Three ways you can to honor the solstice

  1. Light candles. Lighting candles to chase away the darkness is a centuries-old tradition. This is a day to splurge on candlelight! Enjoy a candlelit dinner. Use candles to chase away the gray of the day.
  2. Practice self-care. Because this year’s solstice is extremely powerful, it’s a perfect day to celebrate and practice self-love. I don’t know about you, but I could certainly use to amplify celebrating and increasing self-care. The holidays and year-end tend to be busy-busy-busy. Here’s your permission slip to go get your nails done, get a massage, or grab a book and curl up by the fire with a hot chocolate!
  3. Listen to music. A solstice ritual dating back to pagan times includes music or chanting. Check out Mary Chapin Carpenter’s song, The Longest Night of the Year, or Paul Winter’s Solstice Chant, or Lisa Thiel’s Winter Solstice Song.

Be sure to soak up the beautiful energy of this longest night. If you long for a massage, please book here! Happy Holidays from my family to me to you and yours.

Crowning Glory

In this seventh and final post in our chakra series, we’re looking at which essential oils in combination with massage can help you open and expand your crown chakra, which is considered to be the gateway to everything beyond the material world. The crown chakra influences our deeper understanding of ourselves beyond the physical or material.

The crown chakra is a wheel propelling the search for deep inner truth. The opening of this chakra allows one to enter into the highest state of consciousness. Activation of this center influences the balance between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, facilitating the integration of our physical self with our eternal self. Inhibition of energy flow at the seventh chakra may manifest as a cerebral dysfunction.

Attributes of the Crown Chakra

  • Color = violet
  • Element = thought
  • Sense = all senses
  • Body Part = central nervous system
  • Glands = pineal glad
  • Location = top of your head

Signs of Balance

  • Balanced spiritual life
  • Feels that life has a purpose
  • Feels a connection with others and a higher source
  • Wise
  • Insightful

Signs of Imbalance

  • Excessive fear of death
  • Unclear of life or spiritual purpose
  • Feel alone or possess a God-complex
  • Feel unloved by or angry at God/Universe/Source

Essential Oils for Balancing the Crown Chakra

  • Cedarwood
  • Frankincense
  • Helichrysum
  • Lavender
  • Myrrh
  • Rosewood
  • Sandalwood
  • Vetiver

At your next massage appointment, request one of the above essential oils to aid in opening your crown chakra.



Your Third Eye

In this sixth post in our chakra series, we’re looking at which essential oils in combination with massage can help you open and expand your third eye chakra. The third eye chakra rests on the principles of knowledge and wisdom. It influences the areas of our mind that control our common sense, wisdom, intelligence, memory retention, dreams, spirituality, and intuition.

This chakra controls concentration, consciousness, intuition, extra-sensory perception, and paranormal experiences. The third eye houses our ability to visualize and comprehend concepts. Energy blockages of this chakra physically manifest in the form of such divergent illnesses as sinus problems, cataracts, and major endocrine imbalances.

Attributes of the Third Eye Chakra

  • Color = indigo
  • Element = light
  • Sense = all senses, including extra-sensory perception
  • Body Part = eyes, central nervous system, and midbrain
  • Glands = pituitary
  • Location = between your eyebrows

Signs of Balance

  • Intuitive
  • Common Sense
  • Fast Learner
  • Clear Memory
  • Intelligent
  • Sense of Spirituality

Signs of Imbalance

  • Non-sympathetic and no empathy
  • Judgmental
  • Over-Intellectualizing
  • Lacks intuition
  • Lacks common sense
  • Forgetful
  • Sleep, dream, or nightmare issues

Essential Oils for Balancing the Third Eye Chakra

  • Clary Sage
  • Cypress
  • Frankincense
  • Juniper
  • Patchouli
  • Rosemary
  • Sandalwood
  • Vetiver

At your next massage appointment, request one of the above essential oils to aid in opening your third eye chakra.

Amplify Your Voice

In this fifth post in our chakra series, we’re looking at which essential oils in combination with massage can help you open and expand your throat chakra. The throat chakra is closely associated with speech, sound, and hearing. The central theme of the throat chakra is rooted in communication and the expression of oneself in the world.

Problems related to the throat chakra include disorders of the thyroid and parathyroid, stiff neck, hearing impairments, tinnitus, colds, tonsillitis, laryngitis, and tumors/cancer of the larynx. Blockages in this chakra may occur in conjunction with difficulty in self-expression and communicating one’s true inner feelings.

The throat chakra strongly influences our ability to effectively communicate our thoughts, opinions, desires, and feelings— and just as importantly, our ability to hear, listen, and understand those in our daily lives. The throat chakra not only influences what we hear and say through verbal communication, but it also influences body language and written communication methods.

Attributes of the Throat Chakra

  • Color = blue
  • Element = ether
  • Sense = hearing
  • Body Part = larynx, neck, shoulders, arms, and ears
  • Glands = thyroid and parathyroid
  • Location = third thoracic vertebrae

Signs of Balance

  • Effective communication skills
  • Expressive
  • Good listener
  • Patient
  • Honest
  • Receptive to criticism

Signs of Imbalance

  • Poor communication skills
  • Afraid to speak up/represses feelings
  • Uncontrolled verbal outbursts
  • Deceitful
  • Manipulative
  • Shy or talks excessively
  • Unable to listen

Essential Oils for Balancing the Throat Chakra

  • Basil
  • Bergamot
  • Chamomile (Roman or English)
  • Cypress
  • Peppermint
  • Spearmint

At your next massage appointment, request one of the above essential oils to aid in opening your throat chakra.