Open Your Heart (Chakra)

In this fourth post in our series on chakras, we’re focused on using a combination of essential oils and massage to open your heart. The heart chakra influences your ability to give and receive love in a healthy way. It also influences our ability to cope with sadness related to the loss of a loved one due to a break-up, abandonment, or death.

The central theme of the heart chakra is love, particularly compassion and unconditional devotion. Blockage of this chakra can result in heart disease, high blood pressure, asthma, or other lung diseases.

All healing work originates from the fourth chakra. This chakra opens us to the idea that we’re all connected via universal energy. As the center of the seven chakras, the fourth represents the balance between the physical and non-physical. As we deepen our self-awareness, we elevate ourselves from lower, self-oriented chakras, to the higher, universally connected chakras. Think of your chakras as the energetic embodiment of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

Attributes of the Heart Chakra

  • Color = green
  • Element = air
  • Sense = touch
  • Body Part = heart, lungs, arms, and hands
  • Glands = thymus gland
  • Location = first thoracic vertebrae

Signs of Balance

  • Able to express love
  • Giving
  • Compassionate
  • Joyful
  • Content

Signs of Imbalance

  • Unable to give or receive unconditional love
  • Selfish
  • Jealous
  • Hateful
  • Grief-stricken

Essential Oils for Balancing the Heart Chakra

  • Bergamot
  • Cypress
  • Geranium
  • Lavender
  • Lemon
  • Mandarin
  • Rose
  • Sandalwood
  • Ylang Ylang

At your next massage appointment, request one of the above essential oils to aid in opening your heart chakra.

Massage and Harnessing Your Power

The third or solar plexus chakra, located about two inches above your belly button, is tied to power, mastery, and the ego. This chakra strongly influences your identity and sense of self-worth. Imbalances can take on polar opposites ranging from low self-esteem to arrogant, selfish behavior.

The third chakra relates to the digestive organs. Dysfunction of this chakra can lead to digestive imbalances, ulcers, diabetes, hypoglycemia, liver problems, and cholesterol disorders.

Anger and violence are also attributed to this chakra. The inability to express passion creates pent-up frustration, which evolves into anger. This power center houses assertion and strength, propelling us to accomplish what we set forth to do.

Attributes of the Third Chakra

  • Color = yellow
  • Element = fire
  • Sense = smell
  • Body Parts = lower back, abdomen, digestive system, stomach, liver, spleen, and gallbladder

Signs of Balance

  • Comfortable in own skin
  • Inner peace
  • Confidence without arrogance
  • Calm demeanor
  • Patient
  • Flexible

Symptoms of Imbalance

  • Low self-esteem or arrogant, egotistical behavior
  • Feeling abandoned or rejected or
  • Feeling that the world revolves around you
  • Nervousness
  • Difficulty understanding or controlling Emotions
  • Rebellious or too eager to please
  • Nervous or stressed out
  • Addictive behaviors
  • Eating disorders

Essential Oils for Balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Cinnamon
  • Clove
  • Cypress
  • Geranium
  • Grapefruit
  • Peppermint
  • Sandalwood
  • Vetiver
  • Ylang Ylang

Working with your massage therapist to identify ways to improve your mental health and happiness can support you unblocking your third chakra, eliminating anger and increases your overall wellbeing. Using specific essential oils during your massage and at home can support your expansion.

How Massage Can Open Your Second Chakra

The second or sacral chakra represents the life force of reproductive organs and their related hormones. The sacral center also fosters creativity and artistic expression. An opening of this chakra increases receptivity to the emotional and sensual aspects of life.

Use of specific essential oils and a focused intention during your massage can open the second chakra, especially when attention is given to your lower back.


What is the second chakra?

Source: Adobe Stock

The sacral chakra, located about two inches below the navel, influences personal creativity ranging from artistic expression to creative problem-solving. Healthy sexual desire and expression are also controlled by the sacral chakra, although communicating sexual desires is also directly affected by the throat chakra.

The sacral center is related to deep breathing, and according to Chinese medicine, is governed by the kidneys. Blockage or dysfunction of this chakra might result in disease in the kidneys, bladder, sex organs, and the lower back.

Attributes of the Second Chakra

  • Color = orange
  • Element = water
  • Sense = taste
  • Body Parts = pelvic girdle, reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder, blood, lymph, digestive fluid, and semen
  • Glands = ovaries, prostate, and testicles

Signs of Balance

  • Creative flow
  • Healthy sexual desire
  • Positive outlook

Symptoms of Imbalance

  • Sexual problems or dysfunction
  • Fear of sexual or emotional Intimacy
  • Infidelity
  • Needy or withdrawn

Essential Oils for Balancing the Sacral Chakra

  • Bergamot
  • Clary Sage
  • Orange
  • Patchouli
  • Sandalwood
  • Ylang Ylang

At your next massage appointment, request one of the above essential oils to aid in opening your second chakra.

Massage and Your Chakras: The Root of it All

Because we’re made up of energy, we’re all connected. Our energy centers, called chakras, are where we spiritually, emotionally, and physically own our energy.

What are Chakras?

In the Indian yogic traditions, chakras are perceived as locations where personalities interface and energetic exchanges occur.

When you experience disease, it’s typically from a blockage or suppression of energy in any given chakra. A blocked energy center reduces your circulation in that physical location, causing a decrease in blood flow. This decrease weakens tissue, priming the affected area for injury or disease. This mechanism translates emotions, thoughts, and beliefs into physical manifestations. Systemic opening and clearing of chakras maintains circulation and renews the blood supply, encouraging a return to health. And (you guessed it) that’s where massage comes in!

Each of the chakras can be positively impacted by massage.

In this series, we’ll explore the chakras one by one.

First Chakra (Root Chakra)

The root chakra is responsible for our physical existence. It’s concerned with survival, keeping us rooted in the present moment, and heightening our awareness of possible threats to our existence. The primary role of the root chakra centers on the protective nature of our sense of smell, as it alerts us to anything noxious or toxic.

  • Color = red
  • Element = earth
  • Sense = smell
  • Body Parts = spinal column, bone, teeth, and nails
  • Glands = adrenal glands
  • Location = pelvis

The root chakra provides energy to your adrenal glands, which controls your fight or flight response. Energy from this chakra is also responsible for maintaining the nervous and circulatory systems.

When your root chakra is balanced, you feel:

  • Grounded
  • Secure
  • Safe
  • Content

Signs that your root chakra is not balanced are you feel:

  • Ungrounded
  • Unclear of Purpose
  • Fearful
  • Insecure
  • Confused

When this chakra is blocked, you may experience:

  • Constipation
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Obesity
  • Sciatica
  • Arthritis
  • Knee trouble
  • Anorexia
  • Suicidal tendencies

Massage loosens muscles in your upper and lower back, gluteus maximus, and hamstrings, releasing blocked energy in the root chakra. Use of essential oils, like cedarwood, frankincense, myrrh, patchouli, and vetiver, increase massage benefits by aligning your root chakra on the wheel of energy.

Schedule your appointment today to unblock your root chakra.


What’s all the fuss about the dry brush?

Have you heard as I have the hubbub over dry brushing and why you will want to include it in your daily routine? You may be wondering, “What exactly is dry brushing? How does one dry brush?” Simply put, dry brushing is the juice cleanse of the beauty world.

What is dry brushing?

Using a specific kind of firm-bristled brush, you gently brush your dry skin for three to five minutes in a specific pattern, which coincides with how the lymphatic system drains toxins.  The firm bristles of the brush give your skin a thorough exfoliation while the pressure helps to stimulate your circulation and, yep, lymphatic drainage, which in turn is supposed to help the body eliminate toxins.

Benefits of dry brushing

  • Dry body brushing helps shed dead skin cells (and encourages new cell renewal), which results in smoother and brighter skin.
  • Helps eliminate ingrown hairs
  • Helps shed dead skin cells and encourage new cell renewal, which results in smoother and brighter skin
  • Improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage
  • Increasing the circulation to the skin could reduce the appearance of cellulite, a toxic material accumulated in your body’s fat cells.
  • Dry skin brushing rejuvenates the nervous system by stimulating nerve endings in the skin (and it feels pretty great, too!).
  • It helps with muscle tone and gives you a more even distribution of fat deposits.

How to dry brush

  • Start on dry skin before bathing.
  • Work in gentle circular, upward motions, then longer, smoother strokes.
  • Always begin at the ankles in upwards movements towards the heart—the lymphatic fluid flows through the body towards the heart, so it’s important that you brush in the same direction.
  • Your back is the only exception to the preceding rule; brush from the neck down to the lower back.
  • After you’ve finished with your ankles, move up to the lower legs, thighs, stomach, back, and arms. Be cautious of softer and sensitive skin around the chest and breasts, and never brush over inflamed skin, sores, sun-burnt skin, or skin cancer.
  • Ensure you shower to wash away the dead skin cells and impurities. Ninja tip: alternating temperatures in the shower from hot to cold will further invigorate the skin and stimulate blood circulation, bring more blood to the outer layers of the skin.
  • Then follow it up with a slick moisturizer to nourish the skin (personally, I’m a fan of coconut oil).

This handy video from Goop shows how to dry brush.

How often do you dry brush?

Dry skin brushing effectively opens up the pores on your skin. This is something you can—and should—do daily, even twice a day. Your skin should be dry, so the ideal time is in the shower before you turn on the water.

Give dry brushing a try for 30-days and see if you notice a difference. Using a dry brush regime along with regular massage will exponentially improve your skin’s appearance and rid your body of toxins. Schedule your next appointment today.

Kicking Your Gluteus Maximus

Muscle injuries are more common now than they were 50 years ago, especially in our hamstrings—and not because we’re exercising harder. Our sedentary lifestyles are kicking our gluteus maximuses. What’s worse, as we age our joints naturally tend to tighten, further restricting our flexibility.

Massage therapy is beneficial because it maintains and improves your flexibility and range of motion. Your joints are kept fluid and less injury-prone by working on muscles, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments, and joints via regular.

Increases Flexibility via Massage

According to Men’s Health magazine, massage is one of the sevens ways to increase flexibility. Massage helps break up knots in your muscles and tissues, both of which restrict movement, especially calves, quads, IT bands, upper back, and lats. Additionally, massage activates the limbic system which flushes away toxins like lactic acid and results in quicker workout recovery.

Adding CDB oil to your massage amplifies the positive impact your already stellar massage experience has on your body.

Benefits of Improved Flexibility

Incorporating massage and stretching into your fitness routine can help reduce workout soreness. Regular post-workout massages support your workout recovery and overall relaxation. Here are massage’s positive impacts on your flexibility:

  • Stimulates the production of the body’s natural lubricants to keep flexibility at a maximum
  • Can enhance athletic performance
  • Helps prevent active lifestyle injuries

Schedule your regular massages with us today. Did you know you could purchase a MiraclePass to save money? Check out our calendar—we’re really flexible!

One of the Best Kept Secrets Among Women

It lurks behind corners, catching women by surprise and disrupting their view of themselves, their bodies, what is normal, and what isn’t. It’s one of the best-kept secrets among women, but the time has come to shine a light on it, expose it, and attack it at the root. What is it? A condition called hypoactive sexual desire disorder, which is when a woman has a reoccurring or consistent lack of sexual thoughts and desires and is bothered by it.

In most circles of our society, it is socially acceptable, embraced, and even praised when women talk about their sexual experiences and desires. Carrie Bradshaw and her pals paved the way for a new kind of sex talk resurgence among women. However, the conversation flows more freely and frequently when all is going well. Most women are embarrassed to talk about their sexual dysfunction to their friends, their partners, and their health care providers. Women shouldn’t be sheepish about this issue, but rather learn more about it and have the confidence to move forward.

It is natural for a woman’s sex drive to fluctuate over time. There can be a variety of reasons for a decrease in sexual activity. Examples include:

  • the stage of a relationship;
  • life changes like pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause;
  • side effects of a prescribed medication;
  • sleep disorders;
  • illness; and
  • stress.

If you find that you are bothered by the fact that you cannot recall the last time you truly desired a sexual encounter with your partner and welcomed their advances, there are steps you can take to increase your libido.

How to Attack Your Low Libido:

Take a Self Assessment
1. Can you identify why you are in this sexual rut, by yourself? That might be possible if stress is the culprit in your sexual desire reduction. If not, you should seek advice from a trusted licensed medical practitioner.

2. Talk with Your Partner
Communication is king. Together you can discuss setting aside time for sex, ramping up your sexual activities, or looking for ways to be more intentional during intimate moments.

Remember that stress can be a major love killer. Massage is an excellent way to alleviate stress in your life. When another person massages your body, it stimulates blood flow, ridding your body of toxins. Stress causes cortisol to be released. Cortisol decreases testosterone (yes, women have it too) and testosterone helps the libido. You may consider asking your partner to massage your shoulder, neck, or feet. When couples massage each other, they are more prone to feel relaxed and aroused.

If you think you may be experiencing hypoactive sexual desire disorder, don’t be embarrassed by it. Find someone to help you work through it and know that you aren’t alone!

For more ideas on how to attack low libido, or how to initiate a DIY massage, contact us!



Repairing Your Sun-Damaged Skin with Essential Oils

Sun-damaged skin is a total summer bummer. Despite our best efforts, there are times when we either find ourselves without sunscreen, or we have not reapplied it soon enough to avoid sunburn. If you find yourself with sun-damaged skin, here are a few essential oils to help get your skin feeling healthy and rejuvenated again.

The Problem
Overexposure to the sun can result in immediate changes to the skin like: redness, swelling, blisters, or itchiness. It can also take a toll on the body by causing other symptoms like nausea, fatigue, headaches, and fever. Over time, if your skin has not been properly protected from the sun, you can get sun and age spots or additional wrinkles. Why? The sun takes a toll on the collagen and elasticity of your skin causing marks and lines to deepen.  

The Solution
The very first thing you need to do is to hydrate. When your skin has been overexposed to the sun, your body will pull moisture from other places to attempt its self-heal process. Be sure to drink the daily recommended amount of fluids for your body type.  

The 411 on Essential Oils
It’s important to remember that not all essential oils are the same. Look for oils that are organic and state 100% pure essential oil on the bottle. Otherwise, you may end up with synthetic oils that just don’t do the job right.

Lavender Oil
Lavender Oil is a great choice when you are sunburned because of its anti-inflammatory agents. What makes it even better, is its ability to help regenerate cells. When your skin is on fire, Lavender oil will help calm down your skin while promoting healthy regrowth.  

For an extra soothing treat, add drops of Lavender oil to your oatmeal bath and wait for the itchiness to slowly fade away.

Myrrh Oil
Save for Christmas season, Myrrh oil doesn’t get a lot of hype. This unsung hero is a powerhouse, though. It is known for everything from boosting your immune system to preventing premature aging. Because of its anti-inflammatory, astringent, and stimulant properties, it will help get the blood circulating through your body to help you heal faster and keep those wrinkles at bay.

Ylang Ylang Oil
Another wonderful essential oil for sun-damaged skin has to be Ylang Ylang. Ylang Ylang is another anti-inflammatory, which will help with redness and itching. Additionally, because of its antioxidant components, it helps to smooth blotches, lines, and wrinkles, making it a secret weapon against aging. 

Sun damage is not a joke. When you’re young, it is hard to imagine a day when the elasticity of your skin droops, skin sags, and new wrinkles seem to pop up overnight. While, we should all embrace our new looks as we age, and love the skin we’re in, we also need to take care of ourselves and our skin to avoid other dangers.

If you have questions about which essential oils are best for your sun damaged skin, or how to blend a few together to make the right combination for you, contact us!

4 Truths About A Mother’s Intuition

“A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.” – Agatha Christie

Many mothers can give an account of a time they just knew something was wrong with their child, something didn’t feel right, so they just reacted. Talk to any mom and she can probably recall a time she raced to her child when danger was looming, or when she didn’t accept what someone was telling her about her child’s diagnoses at a doctor’s office or school. That’s what we call a mother’s intuition. Moms know their children and can often anticipate their needs before a word is spoken.

Our society is filled with distractions and the need for multitasking, there are times though, when despite the noise all around, a mom silences the world and hears only the language she shares with her child. Mother’s have a sixth sense when it comes to their children. The animal instinct to protect is real and strong. Here are four truths about a mother’s intuition.

1. Your Gut Won’t Lie
It is important for moms to listen to what their gut is saying. As tempting as it may be to shrug off the nagging feeling that something isn’t right or to chalk it up as simply unfounded worry, moms must trust their gut instinct. A new mom, local to me, was concerned about her infant son who was crying and inconsolable. Friends said she was probably overreacting. On instinct alone, she went to the ER and her son was diagnosed with late-onset Group B Strep, which left untreated would have been fatal. A mama’s gut doesn’t lie.  

2. Moms Knows Things Others Don’t
Having confidence in your ability to advocate for your child can be tough, particularly when your opposition has a medical or educational degree with many years experience behind them. The key difference is that moms (and dads) truly know their children better than anyone, and care more about the well being of their child than anyone else. Mothers watch and listen, they find strange ways to communicate with their children and they will stop at nothing to fight for them.      

3. Others Will Benefit From Your Insight
There are times when people in a position of authority try to downplay a mother’s instinct or concerns because they see no evidence supporting the claim. Google will return thousands of accounts of times when moms instinctively knew their child had an injury, a medical concern, or a serious educational challenge. It can be difficult for moms, but they have to learn to never say ‘uncle’.

4. Mommy Brain Isn’t Just for Forgetfulness
other’s intuition is not a new concept, it has been around for centuries; however, now we live in a time when science supports it. People joke about mommy brain, when new moms seem to live in a fog and constantly forget things. Research shows that the brain of a mother changes once she has children. Scientists say a signal is sent to a mother’s brain when a newborn is crying. What’s more, 63 percent of boy moms may have part of their son’s DNA in their brain.

Do you have an experience of mother’s intuition? I’d love to hear about it. For more information on mothers’ intuition or to share how you acted on instinct, contact us!

5 Tips to Restore Balanced Harmony

Creating a balance of the body, mind, and spirit can be difficult if you are not mindfully aware of what is going on around you, the people who influence your energy field, and the way in which you deal with negativity as it arises.

Think about the different aspects of your life- home, work, family, and other relationships. From time-to-time have you found yourself in a rut? Do you ever feel like you are in a downward cycle? No matter how hard you try, you can’t pull yourself out of it?   

The energy we carry with us combines our past, our dominant thoughts, and our perception of the world around us. As you navigate your way through the world, remember that you have the power to change your personal energy and the energy in the space around you. (Hello, and welcome smudging!)

Over the past year, I have written several blogs giving examples of the causes of negative energy and solutions on how to guard yourself against it. Here is a collection of my favorites in one handy post to help you as you work toward removing negative energy from your life and restoring balanced harmony.    

1. The Gender Wars: How Men and Women Manage Energy Differently
In order to effectively manage negative energy, it is necessary to understand from where our energy comes, and how the sexes deal with it in different ways. How you deal with negative energy may not be the same as your partner, boss, or colleague. It is important to remember our energy comes from four wellsprings: body, emotions, mind, and spirit. Learn how to ensure your four wellsprings are in balance. Read more…

2. The Art of a Reiki Massage
Reiki is an ancient practice with incredible health benefits. It is a wonderful way to restore balance to the body’s energy level while increasing its self-healing ability. The positively charged energy from your therapist’s hands will transfer to your body, allowing the therapist to free unbalanced energy to flow within your body. Learn how Reiki will add a little zing to your massage experience. Read More…

3. How Playlists Will Improve Your Mindfulness
Sometimes we look to music to boost our energy level, get us psyched up for a fun night out, keep us motivated during a workout, calm heightened anxiety levels, or even soothe our interrupted sleep. Music has the ability to change the energy we possess when we mindfully focus on it. There are three perks for using music through mindful playlists and there are three playlists you should have on the ready for when life comes on a bit too strong. Read more…

4. Mastering Mindfulness
To achieve peace and joy within yourself you have to be mindful in your daily life, focusing on the positive and avoiding all the ways negative energy can creep into your psyche. This post gives you 10 actionable items to ensure you are staying focused and are aware of negative influences. Read More…

5. It’s a New Day, Stay Mindful ALL Year Long
Just because we are approaching May, doesn’t mean you can’t make a year-long commitment to focusing on a positive new you. You can take steps to combat negative energy, be present, and positively charged on a Wednesday in April, May, or October! Explore how to release negative energy, and how to find ways to release that negative energy in your life. Read More…

If you are looking for more ways to remove negative energy from your life and replace it with balanced harmony, contact us! Also, ask about which essential oils may help your specific needs.