When Skin Protection Fails: How to Remedy the Dreaded ‘Burn

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The Summer Buzzkill

It never fails. As diligent as many of us are, the glorious summer sun can sizzle our skin and leave behind pain and misery for a few days. Moms everywhere find themselves shouting after their children to remember their sunscreen. We talk endlessly about the importance of skin protection as we lather up wiggly bodies anxiously squirming away to perfect the best half dive/half belly-flop anyone has ever seen. However, between applications of lotion on our children and hurrying to catch a barely swimming child who insists on jumping into the deep end, we may forget to reapply our own sunscreen and get the dreaded ‘burn.

Massage or Not to Massage?

Each summer, therapists get a call that goes something like this, “Hi! I have a massage scheduled for tomorrow, but over the weekend I got kinda burnt. Should I still come in?” The answer is likely, “nope, let’s reschedule”.

As a general rule of thumb, massage and sunburns do not go well together. If your burn is localized, meaning it is only on the back of your neck, or only on your chest, your therapist can work on the other parts of your body and avoid the affected area. If, however, the majority of your body is sunburned you should reschedule your appointment for a time when your skin has healed.

But what if the sunburn doesn’t seem that bad? You know your body best, but remember that your skin is sensitive. Not only can sunburns be painful to the touch, the increased blood flow will make your already warm skin warmer, and it will likely increase your urge to itch.

Door #2

Instead of coming in for your regular appointment, you may consider asking your partner to ever-so-gently massage aloe vera or tree oil on your burn. Let these wonderful essential oils soak into your skin and begin the healing process.

Another great way to alleviate burns is to soak in an oatmeal bath. You may choose to make your own, or try an over-the-counter brand. Either way, your body will drink up this holistic self care approach to relieve the pain and itching associated with sunburns.

If baths really aren’t your thing and you aren’t confident your partner will gently apply the best essential oils for sunburn to your skin, you may opt for creating your own sunburn relief spray. It is easier than you think. Here’s a little concoction, you may wish to try.

Sunburn Relief Spray 

½ cup witch hazel or water
¼ cup coconut base oil
2 T aloe vera gel
10 drops pure lavender oil
10 drops pure peppermint oil

Combine all ingredients in your favorite spray bottle until well blended. Apply as needed.

If you find yourself with a little sunburn and would prefer to enjoy a massage when your skin is back to normal, don’t be afraid to reschedule your appointment. We want you to be comfortable, healthy, and relaxed.


3 Reasons Summertime Massage Benefits Your Health

Source: Adobe Stock

Oh summer! How we anticipate its arrival all winter long. We look forward to the sunshine and the warm breeze on a summer evening. We daydream about relaxing on our deck with a cool beverage, taking a much-needed vacation, and enjoying the fruits of our garden. Yes, summer, we love you! However, now that you’re here you’ve caused a few problems.

As massage therapists, we see it all summer long, while summer in the mid-Atlantic is a much anticipated season, it can also take a toll on our bodies. Knowing how to properly care for ourselves reduces the risk of injury and discomfort.

Here are three reasons a summertime massage will benefit your health.

1. Massage Aids Muscle Relief After Exercise
You may not realize the extra strain you are putting on your body during summer activities. Most people don’t stretch their muscles before and after they head outside to work in their garden, push the lawn mower around, or play a quick round of kickball with their kids, and the result can cause injury.

In the summer months, we find ourselves saying yes to fun activities like swimming, cycling, and golfing. Consequently, muscles that have been ignored for 7-8 months get stretched, pulled, and even strained.

Massage can help relieve the tension in your muscles after you’ve been pulling weeds from your garden for several hours or after a quick excursion around the lake in a friend’s kayak. This regular maintenance helps muscles to stay limber and aids in avoiding spasms and sprains.

2. Massage Alleviates Swelling
The nasty part of summer we tend to overlook as we stare out the window in February when the sky looks gray and the grass is brown, is the heat and humidity that sweeps through our area in July and August. During humid months, we see a lot of swelling and discomfort in our clients’ joints. This annoyance is caused by the accumulation of fluid in the body.

Massage is proven to help increase blood flow, reduce swelling, and soothe aching muscles. As therapists hone in on problem areas, muscles elongate and fluid is pushed throughout the body alleviating swelling in joints and limbs.

3. Massage Combats Stress
Isn’t it funny how summer is supposed to be a time for rest and relaxation, yet it sometimes feels like we are in overdrive? It doesn’t matter what time of year it is, chores need to be completed, bills must be paid, deadlines have to be met, and children need to be entertained. It can be overwhelming. 

Massage is proven to help relieve stress and anxiety, and promote better sleep.

Whether you are pushing yourself to achieve your personal best running time, racing the clock to beat beach traffic, or picking up wet towels from a bedroom floor, you deserve a little time to yourself. Experience the stillness of serenity through massage. Breathe in the lovely scent of your favorite essential oil. Listen to the peaceful and soothing music playing softly in the background. Sounds wonderful, right? Yes!

Schedule your massage and allow the health benefits your body longs to have this summer wash over you. It will be the best decision you make today!

The #1 Key Ingredient After Massage

Source: Adobe Stock

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Thanks, got it.

But do you really?

Massage therapists encourage their clients to drink plenty of water after a massage to rehydrate themselves. Ever wonder why? Is it just to prevent sore muscles? Because it’s a holistic approach to physical well-being? No, and yes.

We recommend drinking water after a massage because tight muscles (a common reason people see a massage therapist) constrict circulation, blocking metabolic waste. As muscles are kneaded and relaxed, fluid is able to flow through the circulatory system, traveling to your kidneys, awaiting release. (*hint: This is why you feel the sensation to urinate after a massage.)

Water makes up about 60% of your body weight. Knowing how much fluid to drink can be tricky as it varies per person. You know your body best. However, pay attention to the warning signs your body sends when it becomes dehydrated.

Signs of dehydration include:

  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth
  • Dark colored urine

Also, make a note that while caffeinated beverages like tea and coffee do count toward your daily fluid intake, you must use caution because they are a mild diuretic. You may want to check out a health hydration guide for yourself. Also, be aware that because massage increases circulation, drinking alcohol soon after a session will have a stronger effect on your body.

Drinking water after a massage helps to flush waste products out of your body. If you don’t rehydrate yourself and the metabolic waste is not released properly, your muscles will likely stiffen and become sore.

We’ve heard a lot of people complain that they don’t drink water because it is tasteless. Boring. Bland. Well, put those thinking caps on, people. Open up your fridge and concoct a taste treat for yourself using your favorite flavors.

We’ll start you off with an easy recipe. Pinterest is loaded with suggestions for fruit-infused water combinations to help aid weight loss and immune support; you name it, it’s there awaiting your search.

Hydrate Me, Baby

Lemon, Cucumber, and Mint Infused Water
Ingredients: lemon, cucumber, a sprig of fresh mint, water

1. Slice fruit
2. Gently muddle ingredients together in the bottom of your container to release their juices
3. Add water to fill the container

That’s it! Drink up. For best results, let the water sit for a few hours so the ingredients can fully blend together.

Each session at Miracles Massage is adapted to meet your specific needs. Schedule your session today, and remember to drink lots of water this summer!


The #1 Reason Relaxation Needs to be a Priority for Parents

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The jury is in. Research proves that moms aren’t the only ones having a hard time striking the perfect work-life balance. Modern dads are increasingly skipping Z’s at night, regular exercise, healthy eating habits, and much-needed relaxation time. As a result, both parents are feeling stressed and burned out.

A recent Stress in America survey showed the biggest stress triggers for adults are money, work, the economy, family responsibilities, and health. With the increase of both parents working outside of the home, both mom and dad are likely to feel the negative impact of stress on their bodies like:

  • being distracted rather than mentally present in conversations;
  • irritable or angry;
  • depressed;
  • having a lack of interest and motivation;
  • fatigue;
  • and insomnia.

Furthermore, people who experience chronic stress are at risk for long-term repercussions.

Many parents today fall into the trap of thinking that they can’t afford to take time for themselves or they feel guilty if they do. It is difficult to excel in work and at home when you’re overworked. Moms and dads alike put everyone else first. Rather than allowing stress to take control, it’s time for parents to take back their health.

Strategies to prevent burnout include:

  1. Preventing mental overload by scheduling regular “me time”. This looks different for everyone. Maybe it is booking a massage, getting up early to exercise, settling down with a good book before bed, or taking a few minutes to do a 3 o’clock stretch. Whatever it takes!
  2. Replace anxiety with plausible solutions. Rather than lying awake at night thinking about all the things you want to accomplish, make a to-do list and tackle items one-by-one. (Don’t forget to be realistic about the items on your list and be gentle with yourself if you can’t accomplish them all.)
  3. Establish a regular routine to improve your health. If it is once a day, once a week, or once a month, find time to treat your body well. Figure out what works for you and make your health a priority.

We live in a society that demands us to give 100% of ourselves to everything and everyone. It’s simply not realistic and certainly not healthy. If parents don’t make time for themselves to unwind after a stressful day, they will surely experience burnout.

Don’t rely on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day for a reason to pamper yourself. Moms and Dads work hard every day, not just one day out of a year. Make yourself a priority so you can easily handle life’s many hiccups without feeling overwhelmed.

Contact us today and we’ll find a massage routine that works for you so you can’t get back to being the relaxed parents, spouses, and employees you wish to be!






4 Peeps Who Will Benefit From Touch in Massage

Massage has many benefits to the human body. People book a massage for a variety of reasons whether they need a day of rest and relaxation or because they are experiencing pain and want a healing touch to help their recovery. This month we celebrated Mother’s Day, but the observance doesn’t need to end with the day. In fact, we can look around at the fabulous women in our lives who would greatly benefit from a little TLC and the power of touch through massage.

Here are four women in your life who would be thrilled by an expression of your appreciation:

1. Your Bestie
Your BFF has been with you through it all. You’ve laughed until your stomachs ached, cried together when one of you was hurt, and swapped meals and kids when one of you was ill. Why not help your powerhouse friend get her pampering on by unleashing her inner beautiful self with the outer secret beauty benefits of massage?

2. New Moms
Your favorite niece just had her first baby. Hooray! Mom and baby are both seemingly well. But did you know that mothers who receive postpartum massages are said to have a quicker recovery? Childbirth strains a woman’s entire body, but particularly her abdomen, lower back, and hips. C-sections can also take a toll on the body, as it is major surgery. Massage is known for helping to alleviate symptoms associated with the baby blues and depression, especially when paired with essential oils.

3. Teachers
Teachers have an incredibly difficult job that often leaves them exhausted, sore, and feeling unappreciated. They spend long hours on their feet, leaning over student desks in odd positions, unnaturally bending to hear questions, and squatting next to a child who is having difficulty. As a result, their bodies ache from head to foot. As you thank your child’s teacher for a job well done, take the usual year-end gift a little further by giving her a massage that will ease the tension in her shoulders and neck. You may consider asking a few parents to contribute to the gift as you send your child’s teacher into a blissfully relaxing summer break.

4. A Friend in Need
Spread a little sunshine to a friend in need. One of your gal pals may be going through a divorce, can’t find peace with a troubled child, or was recently diagnosed with an illness. Perhaps she recently lost a parent, made a poor career move, or is overwhelmed with motherhood. Whatever the case, your friend could use a little all-expense paid retreat.

All massages are customized to our clients’ specific needs. For more information, contact us today!


3 Reasons Moms Need a Break – Not Just One Day a Year

Mother’s Day has come and gone, but the idea of pampering a mom should not be long forgotten. It’s quite the opposite, listen up. Moms, you should take a break, regularly, to ensure you are refreshed and ready for the daily demands placed upon you.

As moms, we often tell our grouchy children (and sometimes significant others) that they need to recharge by taking the time to rest. Moms need rest, too. Setting aside time for yourself isn’t just staying up too late at night to binge watch your favorite show on Netflix or gobbling down ice cream when the kids are in bed so no one slobbers all over your spoon. By scheduling a regular massage, you will feel more relaxed and will be able to maintain the energy you need to work, play, and be a mom (a.k.a. Wonder Woman). Your energy level will shine through in your daily life as well making you the happy lady your family loves to see.

1. No One is Happy if Momma Isn’t Healthy

You may be tempted to joke that moms need a mental break so they don’t ‘lose their marbles’, but effects of stress can be both mental and physical. Moms, you are busy worrying about things like homework, family schedules, sports equipment, teenage drivers, meal planning, and your own career. You need an ally. The demands you experience are great and often feel overwhelming. Worrying about all of the things you have to manage can take a toll on your health, not to mention your outlook on life. Taking time for yourself to have a regular massage can help you relax. It’s a time to center and focus on priority number one (that’s you!). Massages are proven to boost your immune system, improve sleep, and manage pain, particularly migraines. What mom couldn’t use these benefits?

2. Recharging Will Make you Nicer

As moms, we often tell our grouchy children (and sometimes significant others) that they need to recharge by taking the time to rest. Moms need rest too. Setting aside time for yourself isn’t just staying up too late at night to binge watch your favorite show on Netflix or gobbling down ice cream when the kids are in bed so no one slobbers all over your spoon. By scheduling a regular massage, you will feel more relaxed and will be able to maintain the energy you need to work, play, and be a mom (aka Wonder Woman). Your energy level will shine through in your daily life as well making you the happy lady your family loves to see.

3. Just Because

Shh. Here’s a secret: you don’t need a reason. Take time for yourself because you want to! Guilt-free “me time” was simply an appointment in your pre-mom life. You didn’t need a reason then and you don’t need a reason now to spend 60-120 minutes however you’d like. Just because you are a mom doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enjoy yourself without your family.

Schedule your massage appointment today! Sign up for our newsletter to learn more about our services and the benefits you will enjoy.

Attention: Everyday maintenance is not “me-time!”

Are you a parent? Can you remember back to the days where you enjoyed loads of free time, also known as “me-time?” Ah….the good ol’ days. (Don’t get me wrong — I love kids!)

But why is it that once we become parents, activities that used to be considered maintenance are now considered “me-time?” Activities like using the restroom — alone. Going to the hair salon. Cutting the lawn. Roaming the grocery store aisles, kidless.

Newsflash: These aren’t me-time!

Thankfully, there’s an antidote to me-time being swallowed by maintenance-time. It’s called self-care and it isn’t optional!

Imagine having a regularly scheduled appointment where someone massages all your cares — and hamstring knots — away. “What spilled milk? Whose toy? Stop fighting. I’m pooping.” gets replaced with the sound of silence (and your occasion moan as those knots meet their match on the massage table).

How would a regular massage positively impact the rest of your life? Are you ready to embrace some real me-time? We’re waiting for you.

Are you guilty of self-neglect?

According to a 2013 Pew Research Study, men spend about five hours more in leisure than women do. Included in men’s leisure activities are watching television, playing games or sports, and other activities.
Source: AdobeStock

In America, we tend to think of leisure as a luxury. We put off having fun until the work is finished (thanks for that, Puritans). This delay in rest and relaxation is one factor causing U.S. women to feel more stressed than men. (And this even when men work, on average, at their paid jobs 10 hours more a week.)

Emotional well-being is intertwined with physical well-being. When you postpone rejuvenation, your proverbial well runs dry, leaving you operating on fumes and caffeine. Tempers may flare. You feel out-of-sorts.

We’ve become focused on doing life rather than living it.

Here’s the great news: you can choose to make a change. Right this minute. Decide to schedule time for you to rejuvenate your body and spirit. Make a list of activities you enjoy. Pick one to commit to doing this week. Next week, do the same. Make this commitment non-negotiable.

Having a hard time coming up with ways to relax? Here are a few ideas to get your wheels turning:

  • Take a walk or hike
  • Read a book for pleasure
  • Get a pedicure and/or manicure
  • Go to a museum
  • Visit an art gallery
  • Dance (in your kitchen or at a club)
  • Listen to live music
  • Color
  • Paint
  • Meditate
  • See a movie
  • See a play
  • Scrapbook
  • Crafts, like knitting or crocheting
  • Take a class, like improve or pottery
  • Bake
  • Get a massage

You may be saying to yourself, “I don’t have time for frivolity. My family needs me.” Feelings of selfishness may arise. Here’s the deal: feeling selfish because you’re nurturing yourself is caused by unearned guilt. We may believe that doing for others should always come first. It’s important to recognize this belief and challenge it. Tell yourself, “I feel guilt, but I can see that it’s unearned. So I’m going to do something for myself. Life is about me, too.”

Schedule a massage today!