Reduce Cellulite with One Unique Ingredient

Many women feel cursed by the little dimpled or bumpy spots that appear on their otherwise smooth skin. It can be a cause of frustration or embarrassment, particularly as we approach swimsuit season. Whether the BMI calculator puts you in the underweight, normal, or overweight category, you may not escape cellulite. Frustrating as it may be, there is a solution!

Understanding Cellulite
Cellulite is more common among women than men, and unfortunately, ladies, it only gets worse as we grow older. Why? Elasticity. Our skin changes as we age.  It is a complete myth that only overweight people have cellulite. The root cause of cellulite actually has to do with connective tissue beneath the skin. Inefficient lymphatic drainage systems or hormonal imbalances that cause fat cells to convert into cellulite can also play a role in those pesky pockets, or dips, in your skin. Take heart, you can confidently pass the buck on this one, in some instances.

Stating the Obvious
Like anything, there is no magic in a bottle that will completely rid your body of cellulite. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which includes healthful eating habits, regular exercise, and frequent self-care routines will help a great deal.

Cupping for the Win!
Massage has countless benefits for the entire body, mind, and spirit. It is known to move fluid throughout the body and help release stagnant toxins. It promotes relaxation and releases all the good feels of hormones like serotonin and dopamine. The movement of fluid will help break up the hardened connective tissue under your skin. Cupping is a form of non-invasive healing that captures tissue deep beneath the skin pulling it upward. It is a more concentrated therapy that will effectively drain toxins within the lymphatic system, preventing fluid retention, stimulating fat separation, and increasing the skin’s elasticity.

Give It to Me in Layman’s Terms
Think about it like this, cupping massage is similar to a deep tissue massage only in reverse. Instead of pushing down on the muscles, the therapist is pulling up. After the therapist warms up your muscles with a gentle massage oil, she will place the cups on your body. The cups will suck up a bit of your skin. Then she will drag the cups along your muscles which will help the detoxification process by pulling stagnant fluid out of your body. It will feel oh so good and relaxing. This movement will circulate your nutrient-rich blood throughout your body, increase elasticity, and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Holla!

The Many Bennies
Aside from decreasing cellulite, cupping massage will also help your your skin look firmer and healthier. It is also known to reduce the scarring from acne and stretch marks. The biggest benefit is that the increase in blood flow and circulation will help to keep you energized so not only will you look healthier, you will feel it, too.     

If you have questions about cupping massage or want to book your appointment today, contact us!

What is The Most Misunderstood Love Language?

Often the most misunderstood love language in Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages is receiving gifts. Make no mistake, friends, those who prefer receiving gifts as a way to experience love should not be confused with people who are materialistic. Quite the opposite, actually. Let’s explore, together, why.

Unlike materialistic people, those who prefer to receive gifts as an expression of love are less interested in the gift itself, than they are the thought behind the gift. It doesn’t matter if the gift is wildly expensive or doesn’t cost a penny, what matters is that it was given to the person with them specifically in mind. They are just as concerned with the WHY of your gift as the actual gift. It shows that you are paying attention to their needs and desires. You could say, “I love you” all day long, but it won’t mean as much as when you give them a physical reminder that they are your number one.  

The gifts you give to your S.O. will be most appreciated if they show that you are listening to your partner. For example, if your special someone tells you they dropped and shattered their favorite coffee mug getting out of the car in the office parking lot, surprise them with new one when they arrive home from work. If your partner has a recurring injury or is in desperate need of relaxation, schedule a massage for them. Amaze them with the benefits of cupping massage! A gift certificate for one of these massages is sure to score you big points!

People who prefer receiving gifts want a tangible reminder that they are on your mind. They feel loved and cherished when you give them a physical symbol of your love and devotion.  

Things to remember for people who prefer receiving gifts as their love language:

1. Gifts do not need to be a financial investment; instead, they are an emotional one.
2. Thoughtful gifts should be tailored to your S.O.’s personality to show how well you know them and want them to be happy.

For more suggestions on how to shower your S.O. with gifts of love, contact us. Don’t forget, our wellness store has lots of goodies they will appreciate too!

3 Amazing Benefits of Cupping Massage Therapy

Old medical cupping glass, petrolatum, and tweezers with cotton wool on a white wooden table. They are used to relax the muscles and treat inflammation.

Looking for a new gift idea for massage enthusiasts this holiday season? Consider a gift certificate for a cupping massage. Often, once a client has tried it, cupping becomes their favorite massage option. Just sayin’!

What is a cupping massage?
First, know the terms. There are two different types of cupping massage therapies: stagnant and dynamic. Your therapist will place small cups around major muscle groups on your body. This creates a suction, causing blood to flow to that area. In the stagnant method, cups are left on the body for about 10 minutes. This method is more likely to leave a mark on the body that will last anywhere from a few days to weeks. The dynamic method is when the therapist continuously moves the cups around the body in the direction of the lymphatic system. This is important to note because the lymphatic system rids your body of toxins and stimulates fresh blood flow throughout the body. The dynamic method is less likely to leave lasting marks on the body.    

Is it painful?
No, cupping is not painful. It may feel slightly uncomfortable to some clients, similar to the sensation of a deep tissue massage, but it should never cause pain.

How does this method of massage detox the body?
Cupping stretches and opens muscle tissues. Your body already rids itself of toxins, but this speeds up the process by helping to boost your lymphatic system.

Now that you have a better understanding of the practice, here are three amazing benefits you will receive from cupping massage therapy.

1. It provides healing of many health concerns
‘Tis the season for colds and flu. Cupping has been around for quite a while. It was used in traditional Chinese medicinal practices as well as by ancient Egyptians and North American Indians. It’s used to fight poor circulation, fever, and muscle discomfort.

2. It helps rid the body of toxins
Toxins are grouped into the two categories of water soluble or fat soluble. They come from our environment, and processed foods, among other things. Our bodies naturally rid water-soluble toxins within a day or so, but fat-soluble toxins may need a little extra help getting flushed out of our system.  

3. It gets weekend warriors back in the game
Cupping is a popular practice among athletes because it can help to heal their stiff, sore muscles while improving their health and performance.

Still have questions on how cupping works? We would be glad to speak with you about it! At Miracles Massage, every massage is customized to benefit the individual client and their specific needs. We will take time to assess our clients’ needs and concerns before trying anything new.

Sound like an amazing holiday gift for someone on your shopping list? Contact us today for a gift certificate.