Ground Out Winter Blahs

It’s that time of year when anything goes. One moment, snow falls. Another, we’re outside in short-sleeved shirts. And the mud! Welcome to February on the east coast. As I write this, rain pelts against my window and thoughts of preparing an earthy stew tickles my fancy. Another rainy day—and I’m feeling ungrounded.

This transition time between winter and spring often results in the winter blahs. Rather than fighting your desire to toss on comfy sweat pants and curl up in front of Netflix to binge-watch several seasons of “Jane the Virgin,” consider these indoor grounding alternatives:

Diffuse a Grounding Essential Oil

Young Living, a brand of essential oil I use, has a specific blend called Grounding™. It consists of ylang-ylang, pine, spruce, juniper, white fir, cedarwood, and angelica. Not surprising, most of the ingredients are sourced from trees, whose roots dig deep into the earth. By adding just a couple drops to water in your diffuser, you create a grounding environment. (If you’re interested in purchasing this, or other, essential oil, please contact me.)

When you’re in a family situation or experience lack of focus, where you feel the need to ground, you can use put a couple of drops in your palms, rub them together, and create a tent with your hands over your nose. Breathe in its essence and feel yourself chill out!

Tree of Life by Gustav Klimpt (1862-1918)

Visualize Being Grounded

The term grounding can mean removing an excess electrical charge as well as removing an excess emotional charge. Stand with your feet aligned with your hips, feet parallel to each other, and hands at your side. Close your eyes and visualize tree roots extending from the balls of your feet deep, deep into the earth. They anchor you to the ground. Imagine energy from the earth rising up through your left side, going to the top of your head, and going back down your right side until it’s returned to the earth. Breathe deeply as you do this visualization.

Eat Root Vegetables

Root vegetables grow underground and absorb nutrients from the soil (hence, the importance of a pesticide-free world). This group includes sweet potatoes, beets, parsnips, turnips, carrots, onions, and garlic. My favorite way to enjoy root vegetables is to pan roast them with a splash of extra-virgin olive oil and sea salt. Another is to make a ratatouille—yum!

Use Grounding Crystals

Crystals come from the earth and help shield us from electromagnetic energies. These crystals some of those known to support grounding: black obsidian, black tourmaline, bloodstone, carnelian, citrine, hematite, jade, and red jasper. Each has its own way of grounding, some through increased focus, others through detoxification, and creating calm, peaceful feelings.

Request Grounding during Massage

When your massage therapist asks how you’re feeling before the start of your massage session, tell you that you’re feeling ungrounded. She’ll explore ways to support you, and offer specific oils during the session to help you become grounded. Schedule your appointment today.

Best Tips from 2018

As 2018 winds down, I wanted to thank you for being part of the Miracles Massage family. Year-end is a wonderful time to reflect on what went well this year, so I thought I’d share a recap of favorite 2018 blog posts (you know, in case you missed them!).

What’s all the fuss about the dry brush?

Have you heard as I have the hubbub over dry brushing and why you will want to include it in your daily routine? You may be wondering, “What exactly is dry brushing? How does one dry brush?” Simply put, dry brushing is the juice cleanse of the beauty world. Read more.

Can massage help with depression?

It’s normal to feel down, or experience depression, once in a while. Typically, I feel down when it rains multiple days in a row or when I’m exhausted, or something bad happens to my loved ones. Read more.

Repairing your sun-damaged skin with essential oils.

Sun-damaged skin is a total summer bummer. Despite our best efforts, there are times when we either find ourselves without sunscreen, or we have not reapplied it soon enough to avoid sunburn. If you find yourself with sun-damaged skin, here are a few essential oils to help get your skin feeling healthy and rejuvenated again. Read more.

The incredible benefits of frankincense.

Frankincense is an excellent essential oil to use when you are looking to restore balance in your life. It is associated with promoting feelings of peace, relaxation, and a sense of satisfaction. Who couldn’t use a little more of that every once in a while? Read more.

Uncovering Why Miracles Massage is Different.

I believe massage has incredible power to promote healing within our bodies, which are often neglected until something is out of alignment. Massage is a gateway to better overall health. Understanding the benefits of regular massage has the power to change the course of your future medical picture, in many cases. It’s that powerful. Read more.

As always, feel free to reach out to me to schedule a massage or learn more about how we practice at Miracles Massage. Wishing miracles for you in 2019!

Crowning Glory

In this seventh and final post in our chakra series, we’re looking at which essential oils in combination with massage can help you open and expand your crown chakra, which is considered to be the gateway to everything beyond the material world. The crown chakra influences our deeper understanding of ourselves beyond the physical or material.

The crown chakra is a wheel propelling the search for deep inner truth. The opening of this chakra allows one to enter into the highest state of consciousness. Activation of this center influences the balance between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, facilitating the integration of our physical self with our eternal self. Inhibition of energy flow at the seventh chakra may manifest as a cerebral dysfunction.

Attributes of the Crown Chakra

  • Color = violet
  • Element = thought
  • Sense = all senses
  • Body Part = central nervous system
  • Glands = pineal glad
  • Location = top of your head

Signs of Balance

  • Balanced spiritual life
  • Feels that life has a purpose
  • Feels a connection with others and a higher source
  • Wise
  • Insightful

Signs of Imbalance

  • Excessive fear of death
  • Unclear of life or spiritual purpose
  • Feel alone or possess a God-complex
  • Feel unloved by or angry at God/Universe/Source

Essential Oils for Balancing the Crown Chakra

  • Cedarwood
  • Frankincense
  • Helichrysum
  • Lavender
  • Myrrh
  • Rosewood
  • Sandalwood
  • Vetiver

At your next massage appointment, request one of the above essential oils to aid in opening your crown chakra.



Your Third Eye

In this sixth post in our chakra series, we’re looking at which essential oils in combination with massage can help you open and expand your third eye chakra. The third eye chakra rests on the principles of knowledge and wisdom. It influences the areas of our mind that control our common sense, wisdom, intelligence, memory retention, dreams, spirituality, and intuition.

This chakra controls concentration, consciousness, intuition, extra-sensory perception, and paranormal experiences. The third eye houses our ability to visualize and comprehend concepts. Energy blockages of this chakra physically manifest in the form of such divergent illnesses as sinus problems, cataracts, and major endocrine imbalances.

Attributes of the Third Eye Chakra

  • Color = indigo
  • Element = light
  • Sense = all senses, including extra-sensory perception
  • Body Part = eyes, central nervous system, and midbrain
  • Glands = pituitary
  • Location = between your eyebrows

Signs of Balance

  • Intuitive
  • Common Sense
  • Fast Learner
  • Clear Memory
  • Intelligent
  • Sense of Spirituality

Signs of Imbalance

  • Non-sympathetic and no empathy
  • Judgmental
  • Over-Intellectualizing
  • Lacks intuition
  • Lacks common sense
  • Forgetful
  • Sleep, dream, or nightmare issues

Essential Oils for Balancing the Third Eye Chakra

  • Clary Sage
  • Cypress
  • Frankincense
  • Juniper
  • Patchouli
  • Rosemary
  • Sandalwood
  • Vetiver

At your next massage appointment, request one of the above essential oils to aid in opening your third eye chakra.

Amplify Your Voice

In this fifth post in our chakra series, we’re looking at which essential oils in combination with massage can help you open and expand your throat chakra. The throat chakra is closely associated with speech, sound, and hearing. The central theme of the throat chakra is rooted in communication and the expression of oneself in the world.

Problems related to the throat chakra include disorders of the thyroid and parathyroid, stiff neck, hearing impairments, tinnitus, colds, tonsillitis, laryngitis, and tumors/cancer of the larynx. Blockages in this chakra may occur in conjunction with difficulty in self-expression and communicating one’s true inner feelings.

The throat chakra strongly influences our ability to effectively communicate our thoughts, opinions, desires, and feelings— and just as importantly, our ability to hear, listen, and understand those in our daily lives. The throat chakra not only influences what we hear and say through verbal communication, but it also influences body language and written communication methods.

Attributes of the Throat Chakra

  • Color = blue
  • Element = ether
  • Sense = hearing
  • Body Part = larynx, neck, shoulders, arms, and ears
  • Glands = thyroid and parathyroid
  • Location = third thoracic vertebrae

Signs of Balance

  • Effective communication skills
  • Expressive
  • Good listener
  • Patient
  • Honest
  • Receptive to criticism

Signs of Imbalance

  • Poor communication skills
  • Afraid to speak up/represses feelings
  • Uncontrolled verbal outbursts
  • Deceitful
  • Manipulative
  • Shy or talks excessively
  • Unable to listen

Essential Oils for Balancing the Throat Chakra

  • Basil
  • Bergamot
  • Chamomile (Roman or English)
  • Cypress
  • Peppermint
  • Spearmint

At your next massage appointment, request one of the above essential oils to aid in opening your throat chakra.

Open Your Heart (Chakra)

In this fourth post in our series on chakras, we’re focused on using a combination of essential oils and massage to open your heart. The heart chakra influences your ability to give and receive love in a healthy way. It also influences our ability to cope with sadness related to the loss of a loved one due to a break-up, abandonment, or death.

The central theme of the heart chakra is love, particularly compassion and unconditional devotion. Blockage of this chakra can result in heart disease, high blood pressure, asthma, or other lung diseases.

All healing work originates from the fourth chakra. This chakra opens us to the idea that we’re all connected via universal energy. As the center of the seven chakras, the fourth represents the balance between the physical and non-physical. As we deepen our self-awareness, we elevate ourselves from lower, self-oriented chakras, to the higher, universally connected chakras. Think of your chakras as the energetic embodiment of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

Attributes of the Heart Chakra

  • Color = green
  • Element = air
  • Sense = touch
  • Body Part = heart, lungs, arms, and hands
  • Glands = thymus gland
  • Location = first thoracic vertebrae

Signs of Balance

  • Able to express love
  • Giving
  • Compassionate
  • Joyful
  • Content

Signs of Imbalance

  • Unable to give or receive unconditional love
  • Selfish
  • Jealous
  • Hateful
  • Grief-stricken

Essential Oils for Balancing the Heart Chakra

  • Bergamot
  • Cypress
  • Geranium
  • Lavender
  • Lemon
  • Mandarin
  • Rose
  • Sandalwood
  • Ylang Ylang

At your next massage appointment, request one of the above essential oils to aid in opening your heart chakra.

Repairing Your Sun-Damaged Skin with Essential Oils

Sun-damaged skin is a total summer bummer. Despite our best efforts, there are times when we either find ourselves without sunscreen, or we have not reapplied it soon enough to avoid sunburn. If you find yourself with sun-damaged skin, here are a few essential oils to help get your skin feeling healthy and rejuvenated again.

The Problem
Overexposure to the sun can result in immediate changes to the skin like: redness, swelling, blisters, or itchiness. It can also take a toll on the body by causing other symptoms like nausea, fatigue, headaches, and fever. Over time, if your skin has not been properly protected from the sun, you can get sun and age spots or additional wrinkles. Why? The sun takes a toll on the collagen and elasticity of your skin causing marks and lines to deepen.  

The Solution
The very first thing you need to do is to hydrate. When your skin has been overexposed to the sun, your body will pull moisture from other places to attempt its self-heal process. Be sure to drink the daily recommended amount of fluids for your body type.  

The 411 on Essential Oils
It’s important to remember that not all essential oils are the same. Look for oils that are organic and state 100% pure essential oil on the bottle. Otherwise, you may end up with synthetic oils that just don’t do the job right.

Lavender Oil
Lavender Oil is a great choice when you are sunburned because of its anti-inflammatory agents. What makes it even better, is its ability to help regenerate cells. When your skin is on fire, Lavender oil will help calm down your skin while promoting healthy regrowth.  

For an extra soothing treat, add drops of Lavender oil to your oatmeal bath and wait for the itchiness to slowly fade away.

Myrrh Oil
Save for Christmas season, Myrrh oil doesn’t get a lot of hype. This unsung hero is a powerhouse, though. It is known for everything from boosting your immune system to preventing premature aging. Because of its anti-inflammatory, astringent, and stimulant properties, it will help get the blood circulating through your body to help you heal faster and keep those wrinkles at bay.

Ylang Ylang Oil
Another wonderful essential oil for sun-damaged skin has to be Ylang Ylang. Ylang Ylang is another anti-inflammatory, which will help with redness and itching. Additionally, because of its antioxidant components, it helps to smooth blotches, lines, and wrinkles, making it a secret weapon against aging. 

Sun damage is not a joke. When you’re young, it is hard to imagine a day when the elasticity of your skin droops, skin sags, and new wrinkles seem to pop up overnight. While, we should all embrace our new looks as we age, and love the skin we’re in, we also need to take care of ourselves and our skin to avoid other dangers.

If you have questions about which essential oils are best for your sun damaged skin, or how to blend a few together to make the right combination for you, contact us!

How to Counteract the #1 Love Killer

When the “honeymoon” phase of a relationship has come and gone, a regular complaint from both men and women is that their sex life takes a hit. What starts with regular, spontaneous intimacy may slowly morph into less frequent encounters, or even a dry spell. In any committed relationship, intimacy ebbs and flows, depending on what is going on in one (or both) partner’s life at the time. How good are you at spotting the biggest love killer and do you know how to counteract it?

Men and women alike claim that exhaustion, busyness of life, physical pain, kids in the house, or laziness contribute to their lack of sexual desire. However, the number one love killer is stress. Fortunately, massage is a secret weapon ready at your disposal.

Whether you schedule regular massage appointments from a licensed therapist, or you and your partner give one another a massage at home, your body (and your sex life) will greatly benefit, and here’s why.  

Stress has many negative effects including:
-depression and anxiety,
-cardiovascular disease,
-physical pain, and
-decreased sexual desire.

It is difficult to feel aroused when you are under stress. Massage naturally elevates one’s mood and is a holistic way to restore balance to the body, mind, and spirit. As the body is massaged, there is an increase of oxygen in the blood, which releases serotonin and oxytocin, the feel-good hormones that help to keep us happy and relaxed.

Regular massage helps the body naturally heal more quickly, eliminating pain. When not focused on physical pain, a person is able to be more present, thoughtful, playful, relaxed, and sensual. ICYMI, those are key components to a healthy sexual relationship.

If the greatest love killer has crept into your home, eradicate it by incorporating regular massage in your self-care routine. You can talk with your massage therapist about what type of massage and essential oil is best to manage your stress, or you and your partner can massage each other.

To create a spa-like atmosphere in your home, Here are a few tips:

1. Soften the lighting by using candles or low wattage light bulbs
2. Play soothing music
3. Remember to warm up your hands before you begin to work
4. Use your favorite essential oils in order to avoid friction
5. Communicate with one another about the pressure used during massage

It is important to remember that just as every relationship is different, every body is different. While you may love a deep tissue massage, your partner may find it uncomfortable and prefer a Swedish massage. Likewise, if you are trying to create a romantic and peaceful atmosphere, make sure you agree on which essential oils to use and choose scents that are pleasing to both of you.

For more questions on choosing the best type of massage when under stress or for help choosing essential oils best for you, contact us.

The Incredible Benefits of Frankincense

Frankincense is an excellent essential oil to use when you are looking to restore balance in your life. It is associated with promoting feelings of peace, relaxation, and a sense of satisfaction. Who couldn’t use a little more of that every once in a while?

Frankincense is a dynamite stand-alone oil with many incredible benefits, which we’ll discuss. Additionally, because of its earthy aroma and versatility, it blends nicely with other oils to create the perfect combination to match your needs.

All the Right Moves
Frankincense has wonderful healing properties. It has been used medicinally since ancient times. For good reason, this guy has earned its rightful place in top ten lists of essential oils to always keep stocked in your home.  

A few medicinal benefits of Frankincense include:

  • Alleviating cold and flu symptoms,
  • Decreasing muscle and joint pain caused by inflammation,
  • Reducing symptoms caused by stress,
  • Improving digestive problems

When partnered with massage, Frankincense oil can improve circulation. As the blood begins to flow, your body will naturally rid itself of toxins, which can be stagnant and cause inflammation, leading to a host of other problems. Frankincense has anti-anxiety benefits, as well. For example, rubbing it (after it is diluted) on your temples can help to alleviate headaches, and inhaling it is said to reduce one’s blood pressure.

Your Beauty Aid in a Bottle
Have you had that experience when you look in the mirror and wonder how your once smooth, tight face suddenly appears a little looser with a few more wrinkles? Before you get too upset, try adding a little Frankincense oil to your favorite lotion and watch what happens.

Frankincense is a known skin care aid. It will help to:

  • Improve elasticity,
  • Reduce the appearance of acne,
  • Prevent wrinkles,
  • Improve the appearance of scars.  

Because Frankincense oil is an astringent, it will help to clear your skin while giving it a beautiful glow. It will lift and tighten all the right spots to help your skin look younger and healthier.

Whether you are looking to feel more relaxed or uplifted, Frankincense should be one of your go-to essential oils. If you need help blending oils or want to learn more about which oils to use for your need, contact us!

3 Reasons You Must Try Roman Chamomile

Roman Chamomile is an incredible essential oil with a variety of benefits. It has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries, helping to improve one’s outlook, relieving digestive problems and treating skin conditions. If you haven’t tried it yet, here are three reasons you need to try Roman Chamomile ASAP.

1. Experience the Therapeutic Calming Effect
Roman Chamomile is known for its power to calm not only skin irritations but also the mind and the body. It helps to reduce the feelings of annoyance, discouragement, depression, and hopelessness for starters. Parents also love dropping a little in a diffuser as their babies rest for the night because it gently and safely promotes relaxation.

2. Raise Your Mental Clarity
It’s said that Roman Chamomile was used to help Roman soldiers mentally prepare for battle, giving them courage. Like the ancient Romans, people use this essential oil to propel them forward. It is widely used to help aid in your feelings of purpose while boosting your energy.

3. Overcome the Winter Blues
The winter months can bring with them a bit of gloom. We often can’t open our windows to smell the freshly cut grass or the glorious aroma of spring flowers. Frankly, in the mid-Atlantic, the winter blues can set in and make for a lousy day. If you find yourself feeling down, I encourage you to try Roman Chamomile because it’s uplifting properties are known to help you focus on what is meaningful in your life while replacing feelings of gloom with a sense of safety, happiness, and fulfillment.

To learn more about the uses of Roman Chamomile, contact us today!