Unlike materialistic people, those who prefer to receive gifts as an expression of love are less interested in the gift itself, than they are the thought behind the gift. It doesn’t matter if the gift is wildly expensive or doesn’t cost a penny, what matters is that it was given to the person with them specifically in mind. They are just as concerned with the WHY of your gift as the actual gift. It shows that you are paying attention to their needs and desires. You could say, “I love you” all day long, but it won’t mean as much as when you give them a physical reminder that they are your number one.
The gifts you give to your S.O. will be most appreciated if they show that you are listening to your partner. For example, if your special someone tells you they dropped and shattered their favorite coffee mug getting out of the car in the office parking lot, surprise them with new one when they arrive home from work. If your partner has a recurring injury or is in desperate need of relaxation, schedule a massage for them. Amaze them with the benefits of cupping massage! A gift certificate for one of these massages is sure to score you big points!
People who prefer receiving gifts want a tangible reminder that they are on your mind. They feel loved and cherished when you give them a physical symbol of your love and devotion.
Things to remember for people who prefer receiving gifts as their love language:
1. Gifts do not need to be a financial investment; instead, they are an emotional one.
2. Thoughtful gifts should be tailored to your S.O.’s personality to show how well you know them and want them to be happy.
For more suggestions on how to shower your S.O. with gifts of love, contact us. Don’t forget, our wellness store has lots of goodies they will appreciate too!