Swedish massage, known as the foundation of all massage, is a great place to start if you are new to massage or if you don’t get massage on a regular basis. However, don’t be fooled into thinking that it doesn’t do as great a job as a deep tissue massage, a cupping massage, or a hot stone massage. Quite the opposite. In fact, Swedish massage can include gentle technique or a vigorous workout for your muscles, depending on the therapist.
What It Does
Swedish massage generally includes long strokes, kneading, and rolling. With the aid of massage oil or lotion, your therapist will warm up your muscles and help your body to naturally release tension. As the therapist works on you, a few wonderfully beneficial things will happen:
1. circulation will improve from an increase of oxygen in the blood,
2. muscle tension will ease, restoring range of motion,
3. healthy hormones will be released.
Why Is That Important?
When stimulated, the body’s circulatory system will naturally flush out stored toxins through lymphatic drainage. It will increase white blood cells (the guys that fight off colds). In other words, it will help boost your immune system.
When you overwork your muscles or hold your body in unnatural positions for a length of time, you put pressure on it. This can lead to strains, sprains, and other long-term injuries. For example, a lot of lower back pain begins by tight hamstrings. Swedish massage elongates the muscles allowing them to release tension and be restored to their normal state. With the proper attention placed on these areas, elasticity in tissues will increase, along with flexibility, allowing you to heal faster, in many cases. It will also help to reduce pain.
The power of touch on the human body is incredible. Massage is known to boost serotonin and oxytocin, these are the hormones that make us feel good and help to give us energy. Massage also helps to decrease cortisol, which is a stress hormone.
Massage has many ah-mazing benefits for our bodies. Determining the best massage for your situation may take a little research on your end, or a simple conversation with a trusted therapist. Each massage has a specific purpose and goal for your body so it is important to have an understanding of each type of massage before you book your next appointment.
For more questions on Swedish massage or to determine which massage is best for you, contact us!