First, here are five unusual benefits to massage.
1. Massage Eases Tension Headaches
Many people, particularly those who are over stressed, suffer from tension headaches. Before you reach for the bottle of Tylenol, consider a holistic approach to easing your pain: massage. Neck tension restricts blood flow to the brain, which will lead to headaches.
2. Regular Massage Relieves PMS Symptoms
Premenstrual syndrome is a natural part of a woman’s life. Some of us have a more difficult time with it than others; however, massage is a key ingredient to alleviating aggravating symptoms.
3. Massage Reduces Muscle Tension
Our bodies aren’t meant to be sedentary for 8, 9, or 10+ hours a day. The average American sits shoulders rolled forward as they pound away on a keyboard all day. The repetitive improper posture negatively impacts muscles causing tension, aches, and pain. Massage helps to elongate those muscles and restore them to health.
4. Therapists May Help Spot Skin Cancer
Therapists see the back of you for extended periods of time. For example, you likely do not stare at the back of your legs or your lower back. For clients who get regular massages, a therapist may be able to identify changes in the skin.
5. Massage Aids Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain can be caused by issues in the hips, legs, or abdomen. Massage helps to alleviate pain when key areas are targeted. Additionally, if there is tightness in the lower back, a therapist may ask you to lay flat so they can examine if one hip is higher than the other, that can be the source of the pain.
Now that you know more incredible benefits of massage, here are five things to remember during a massage.
1. You’re the Boss of Your Body
You can stop a massage any time for any reason. You may experience discomfort and ask the therapist not to massage that area or you may discover a pain you didn’t know was there and ask the therapist to linger there a while longer, whatever the reason, don’t be afraid to speak up. Please, please remember it is especially important to stop the massage if you feel unsafe.
2. It’s Okay to Fall Asleep
Massage promotes relaxation. In your everyday life, you’d be considered quite rude if you fell asleep during a wellness appointment, but that is not the case in massage therapy. It’s actually a lovely compliment to the therapist because it shows you are relaxed, comfortable, and the massage is working.
3. Bodily Noises Aren’t Uncommon
Massage stimulates blood flow throughout the entire body. It helps aid digestion and the lymphatic drainage system. Your stomach may gurgle or growl or make other funny noises. It shouldn’t be embarrassing and prevent you from continuing to reap the relaxing benefits of massage. It’s simply your body’s way of releasing toxins and relaxing.
4. Occasional Groaning Happens
When a client has a particularly tight muscle being worked out, it is common to give a soft moan or groan here or there. As long as you aren’t too over the top, it isn’t an issue.
5. Health History Matters
It’s important to be honest with your therapist about your health history. Your therapist isn’t trying to pry into your personal life so they can gossip about it later, there are medical conditions that change the course of treatment. The goal of massage is to serve you and restore your body to a balanced, healthy state. Honest, friends, is always the best policy.
For more benefits and things to remember about massage, contact us.